Did not get achievement for killing Lich

Did not get achievement for killing Lich

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kamatsu.8206



I just killed the Skeletal Lich in the Mad King’s Maze for the first time but did not get the achievement for killing it. I did get “gold” reward status for the event to kill it, and did get the chest rewards – yet no achievement.

Server: Sea of Sorrows
Map: Mad King’s Dungeon
Time killed: Approx 8:30 am (10:30 pm UTC)
Date: 18th October 2013 (17th October UTC)
In Group: No, I was not in a group.
Overflow: No, I was not in an overflow server.

I was at the fight for the majority of the time – when I got there the Lich was at around 90% health, we were stacking on the Lich and attacking. I did enough damage to attain Gold status for the event to kill it.

I did the fight on my level 80 Asura Guardian, fighting with mace & shield – main abilities used were mace #1 & #2, as well as using my F1 skill and elite (#7 attack golem) whenever it came off cooldown.

I have successfully gotten the achievement’s for killing both the High Count Viscount of Candy Corn and the Labyrinthine Horror

Did not get achievement for killing Lich

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nairolf.7024


Same problem here, only got the ach after the third kill. (Had gold event everytime) Asked ppl on the map channel, they told me they had to kill it more than once too to get the ach.

Did not get achievement for killing Lich

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mel.8769


I had the same problem. Killed it 2 or 3 times before I got the achievement. I thought it was because I was guesting on a different server. Was using a necro and all skills, and I did get gold event status and chest on the times I did not get the achievement.

Common sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in everyone’s garden. -Unknown