Diessa Plateau Quest Bug?

Diessa Plateau Quest Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Issy.8039


There appears to be an issue with the quest “Assist the Blood Legion” east of the Nolan Waypoint in Diessa Plateau.

The mines, which previously were able to be defused, no longer appear to be working correctly.

Due to the megaservers, there was a great number of people in the map trying to do the quest earlier. Everyone else there seemed to be having this issue, as far as I can tell.
It now takes quite an unnecessary amount of time to do the quest since few Separatists seem to spawn and no one can do anything to the mines. They all remain in the middle of the road with a smoking animation, and that is it. Now everyone has to fight over the metal bars and filter through the scrap metal piles.

While fighting over the metal bars is rather amusing, this bug really needs to be fixed.

Sorry if someone already mentioned this, I didn’t see a topic posted and the forum search appears to be broken making it a it hard to know for sure.