Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

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Posted by: AstralNader.9073


I know there is a multitude of posts on reddit but I don’t see any here. What is the official word for the DR hitting the Lab this year? Last year it was just right with 2-3 hours before hitting. Now this year hits and it’s 30-45 minutes before you have to swap characters and then spend the same time again before another char swap.

And to add to the fact that there is a new 120 Cob mini that we have to farm for, isn’t the DR in Lab just a bit too harsh?

Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

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Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest this isn’t a bug.

Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

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Posted by: Blude.6812


Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

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Posted by: Spiritz Wamphryi.8316

Spiritz Wamphryi.8316

going by wiki – dr isn’t as much about time spent in the area but the amount of kills – which makes sense if you think of how many kills your tagging in the zerg . If it takes only a few mins to do the 50 kills part of daily multiply that by maybe 4 or 5 ( lets say a big zerg and has been 20 mins ) easily you are killing 200+ in 20 mins . Sadly anet wont disclose both the time limit ( if it actually exists ) and how many kills is needed to activate DR

Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

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Posted by: Kelly.7019


one would imagine hat you should hoard candy corn cob prior to event and collect way more then you need

Yo, Ho, all together, raise the colors high,
Yo, Ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die

Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I know there is a multitude of posts on reddit but I don’t see any here. What is the official word for the DR hitting the Lab this year? Last year it was just right with 2-3 hours before hitting. Now this year hits and it’s 30-45 minutes before you have to swap characters and then spend the same time again before another char swap.

And to add to the fact that there is a new 120 Cob mini that we have to farm for, isn’t the DR in Lab just a bit too harsh?

I don’t think they changed DR; I think we are just more efficient farming this year compared to last. I also don’t think the cause matters; I don’t think it’s likely that they’ll be able to “fix” it in less than two weeks. As a result, I’m spending a few minutes preparing for hitting DR.

There is no official word on DR and there never will be. DR is intended to impact botters (and by accident, that will also affect hard core farmers). As a result, it works best if it’s shrouded in mystery.

Unfortunately, a perfect storm appears to have hurt our experience in the lab:

  • At best, the lab is unchanged since last year.
  • This year, we are very changed:
    • Most of us have unlocked elite specs on several characters, especially lootstick guardians and flameloot engineers, among others.
    • Our commanders and zergs are better organized.
    • We are (as a community) much better at breaking defiance (despite the fact that many people still will read that and think, “breaking what?”)
    • Hardly anyone is power-leveling toons in the lab this year, compared to last year.

As a result, the events take less time to complete, the bosses die faster, and the zerg moves around so quickly that some of us even hit event DR.

(I suppose it’s also possible that ANet deliberately tuned up DR and tuned down the events, but… given how few changes they made to the event generally, that seems unlikely.)

There’s almost zero chance that ANet is going to be able to do anything about this quickly — it takes a while to tweak events and longer still to tweak DR.

Consequently, here’s my plan on how to handle it:

  • As soon as my lab toon gets 200-250 ToTs, I’ll send that toon to do dailies in E-Bay or B-Fen. The 10-15 minutes spent there is certainly enough to allow DR to reset. Other good things to do with a DR-laden toon: Mad King Says, Ascent to Madness, Daily Activity (if any), Daily 4-Event Zone, etc.
  • I’m prepping a second toon to go to DR, on the off chance I’m willing to farm that long.

tl;dr I theorize an accidental reason for increased DR, but I’m not waiting for ANet to do or say anything about it. I’m also not willing to spend my team yelling to them about it, because I sincerely doubt they can fix it soon (even assuming that (a) they know the reasons it’s occurring so quickly and (b) they want to prioritize it over everything else that’s going on).

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

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Posted by: shadow.6174


Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Except some of us still are experiencing DR in the Labyrinth. Sigh.

Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Except some of us still are experiencing DR in the Labyrinth. Sigh.

I wonder if it’s possible for a toon to have triggered DR pre-patch and for the DR on that character not to have reset yet.

My ‘farming’ character had DR the day before the patch & completed the B-Fen dailies after the patch, ensuring that any DR would have departed. Sure enough, no problem for me nor for anyone in the 3 different zergs I joined (20 minutes each; I got ‘lucky’ joining groups whose commanders were just about to step down).

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I don’t know. I do know I changed characters to one that had not participated in any Halloween activities/content and still experience DR in the Labyrinth.

Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I don’t know. I do know I changed characters to one that had not participated in any Halloween activities/content and still experience DR in the Labyrinth.


What DR symptoms are you seeing now?

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Diminishing Returns in the Labyrinth

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: atheria.2837


I know there is a multitude of posts on reddit but I don’t see any here. What is the official word for the DR hitting the Lab this year? Last year it was just right with 2-3 hours before hitting. Now this year hits and it’s 30-45 minutes before you have to swap characters and then spend the same time again before another char swap.

And to add to the fact that there is a new 120 Cob mini that we have to farm for, isn’t the DR in Lab just a bit too harsh?

After supposedly removing all diminishing returns in the labyrinth, I get more bones, garbage and more garbage since before the announcement and the “change” was made.

Small group or large, (far more pronounced with two to five), one gets almost nothing for an hour of hacking and slashing now.

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