Dissable right click targeting please!
Biiiiig agree. Can be a big pain in the rear. Would also kill for an option to change the linking hotkey away from Ctrl.
Please fix this! I always find myself losing my target during a fight only because I want to rotate the camera
Is that why I constantly keep losing my targets or targeting my pet? It happens all the time and really bugs me!
I never noticed this, but it makes sense as to why my targets bounce around so much. Agreed, this should be fixed.
Agree … fix this please
Today i’ve notice that its even worse. Ok than you initially accidentally RMC on another target then you wanted to rotate camera is bad, now imagine this;
My cursor was obviously away from any target then i’ve started to rotate the camera, and i’ve hold RMB for quite long time, but then i’ve finally release it, it happens that cursor was on some random target. Guess what happens next… : /
I have been having this issue for a while and couldnt figure out what was causing it, always randomly tabbing. Please give an option to disable right click to attack.
Yes, please give the option to disable right click to select target.
100% agree. You can already left click or use tab to target, right click targeting only adds problems since it already pans the camera. Please allow us to disable this, thank you.
Agree 100%! ….
This has wrecked me so many times. It needs to be addressed. I’m often moving the camera and using “X” (Which I bound to reverse perspective) and the effects on targeting have made it extremely unstable because I am unable to ‘lock’ a target.
Of course I’m not asking to hit something I can’t see. But I also don’t expect to instead auto-attack a random mob or NPC target instead!
Additionally, while manning a siege weapon (or some sort of environmental weapon), right clicking to change the camera around can cause me to accidentally right click on the weapon I am on and cause me to leave it. I don’t see how that is intuitive at all =_=
Totally agreed.
This is still here Anet
Gives players with lots of mobs an advantage ….
Rotate camera, lose target, target minion, use interrupt at the same time, lose interrupt, lose match.
Com’on, you cant have target set to camera move. Make an option “disable target on right mouse”
and a second option
“Swap left an right mouse buttons”
I’ll also add that since the camera zoom distance isn’t all that large (dunno why) that when you fight say a minion master necro there is no way to not right click on of its minions when he runs past you while you try to face him with your camera. Then hes deselected and you have to smash tab to get find him in that mess or try to click him through the minions.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
(edited by TGSlasher.1458)
Sorry for necroposting, but i just found it yesterday that ANet finally gave us that option. And its sooo awesome!
Somehow wasn’t bothered too much for sometime, while played other classes, and then started engineer. It it prove that engi had same problems with losing targets on right click as necro did. Apparently that was bad for classes which more rely on kiting.
Anyway, i am really glad that problem solved.