Dissun Mines BScapade

Dissun Mines BScapade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lirrink.6904


So, there is a problem here. The main problem isn’t the bug, there is one, but whoever made the Dissun Mines and put the entrance so remote from it and where the onyl way you’d find is to stumble upon it and you can’t find it yourself because the only entrance has no freaking correlation to where it is, you have to search EVERYWHERE along the walls lining the southwest of the Dredgehaunt Cliffs. The entrance makes no sense and does not follow any line of reason and is not challenging, it just rewards either asking for help or pure luck. I had to ask for help. No one can find this without either of those options.

So in my long trek to finding it, I climbed the mountain and eventually got ontop. You can get ontop of the Dissun Mines. I spent half an hour trying to get into the mines by getting up here, and exploring the, well, not quite done, roof. I was able to explore and see the mines through invisible ceilings, and there were many places you could fall, but you couldn’t get out of. I had to use a good bit of change to just get back onto the map each time. But if players aren’t supposed to be up there, shouldn’t we not be able to get up there?

But seriously, I have enjoyed this game 100% all the time, and this has been my first truly upset moment, and the bug made me upset, but more so the fact that if the entrance wasn’t placed in an incredibly thoughtless manner, then no one would have had to try and follow the path that’s there up the cliff to explore the top of the mine that we’re not supposed to be on top of.

Dissun Mines BScapade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Criddifer.2437


There is an entrance that’s actually quite easy to find when you know what you’re looking for. It’s directly under the mountain/cave where the Sons of Svanir. There is a little bit of ‘rubble’ on the map to mark it.

Keep this in mind as it will help you a ton later in the game with finding stuff.

Dissun Mines BScapade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Healerith.5921


The funny thing is I had the same problem as the OP. In my search for this place I too scaled the mountain and fell into a glitch. I did find the correct entrance though thank goodness for the internet

Dissun Mines BScapade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lirrink.6904


Criddifer thank you for helping but I foudn it, and my point is, its so random from where the location is and there’s no hint or any inkling of coherent thought that will make you go there to get into the cave. It has been the first truly terrible moment of game design I’ve encountered, now that is saying it took 50% of the map to get ot that, it was still the first time I wasn’t having a great time at this game.

Healerith, yes and that’s the problem, I think, besides the bug, people should not have to rely on the internet to get to an area that’s a part of map completion. Now, if it was a secret area not on the map, then yes! it deserves to be that lucky oh wtf is this! this is awesome!

Dissun Mines BScapade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lauren Hotson.5068

Lauren Hotson.5068


Hey guys! I am so sorry you have had some difficulty finding the entrance to the mine and in the process of trying to find it ran into some bugs. I’ve relayed your concerns about the entrance along to the appropriate team.

If you could post a screenshot of your minimap (zoomed in) with the sector name (the name that appears at the top of the mini-map when hovering your mouse over it) and the direction you’re facing when you managed to get on top of the mountains, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Edit: For those still searching for the entrance, it’s under a snowy tuft just Southwest of the “Steelbrachen” label on the map.

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(edited by Lauren Hotson.5068)

Dissun Mines BScapade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rodadams.5963


btw, I posted an in game bug when I tried getting into the mine from “over the top”. I was able to get to the hole looking down into the mine, and tried jumping down, only to get stuck, and had to portal out.

and on a completely separate topic, the vista in there is just sadistic.

Dissun Mines BScapade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aenaos.8160


That was really nasty one because for almost a day I was convinced that the entrance to the mine was from the roof, and I kept on climbing up and then descending into that maze of buged terrain,only to get stack there again.I climbed and I climbed, tried every possible angle,and then I noticed that there were parts of the mine roof missing.
That got me to expand my search radius for the entrance and when I finally found it and got in the mines,I was blown away by the fact that there is no entrance and no passage from the top of the mines.

-Win a pip,lose a pip,win a pip,lose a pip,lose a pip,
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-

Dissun Mines BScapade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jason King.2647


Jason King.2647

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Thanks for the reports, everyone! While we’ve documented these issues, we’ve also decided to consolidate these threads in a new thread dedicated solely to art issues. If you have any other issues to report, please do so there; in the meantime, I’ll be locking this thread. Thanks again!

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