Dodge roll bug
Just me?
Nope. There was a large thread on this awhile back… can’t seem to find it atm. At any rate, it was deduced, if I recall correctly, that if you dodge roll while in the middle of your second auto attack(with a melee weapon), what you’ve experienced will happen.
Well that’s terribly annoying. I was about to edit that the only way I’ve found to combat this is to turn auto attack off and manually spam 1111111111 as I go but that’s one way to kill a persons finger… lol. Thank you. Glad I’m not too crazy xD
Oh it was happening on my necros scepter. I’m assuming because it’s got a string of different attacks for the auto.
Oh it was happening on my necros scepter. I’m assuming because it’s got a string of different attacks for the auto.
Yeah, that sounds logical to me. I think they are aware of it, and cooking up a fix… just can’t seem to find that other thread.
I just bumped the other thread – also just submitted an actual ticket about this via Support…recommend you do the same.
Here’s the other thread (or, one of them):
Make sure if you submit a ticket you link these threads. The other one has a video, too.