Doing 0 damage

Doing 0 damage

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: States.6387


I have run into this bug for a while now but only noticed it on my ranger, until now.

My ranged attacks are doing no damage. It doesnt show as 0, it doesnt say miss, it doesnt say evaded. Instead nothing happens. I can be shooting at someone that isnt moving and nothing is happening.

I first thought it was a bug with ranger’s LB/SB where the arrows were shooting into the ground but i guess thats not the case. I just experienced a match where my lich mode on necro was doing no damage to the other team.

Like i said before nothing is showing up, no 0’s misses or evades and the hp bar on the other players did not move. As soon as i switch to a melee weapon i start seeing numbers again and i’m able to damage enemies.

Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Doing 0 damage

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Holland.9351


There are invulnerability skills that do stuff like that.

I think Signet of Stone is an example of it and Endure Pain.

Doing 0 damage

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

There are invulnerability skills that do stuff like that.

I think Signet of Stone is an example of it and Endure Pain.

If you read the whole post, it says that no 0’s show up when he/she attacks the person. If it was an invulnerable skill, it would say “Invulnerable” every time an attack is executed.

If it was Endure Pain or Signet of Stone, then it would show 0’s on every attack. So the problem can’t be any of those.

Doing 0 damage

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: States.6387


There are invulnerability skills that do stuff like that.

I think Signet of Stone is an example of it and Endure Pain.

See the above comment :P

I know what about invulnerability skills this is not done from it. It’s a bug that causes ranged attacks to not register at all

Doing 0 damage

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chazz.6709


Yeah have that problem sometimes too … it ruins my whole dmg … i mean this is one bug,that really bother me … and how to fix this is to retarget it.Many ppls complain about it in my guild and also in some situations its just annoying.

“All genius said it’s impossible – until someone just did it.”

Doing 0 damage

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pino.5209


It’s not only on range, melee too. I noticed it a lot @ teq. No damage numbers pop up and combat log empty. It’s not limited to ranger only … i’ve seen it on guardian gs, thief’s dagger and many more. It started since the new trait patch.
Must have been something gone wrong with the network coding.

Doing 0 damage

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: States.6387


It’s not only on range, melee too. I noticed it a lot @ teq. No damage numbers pop up and combat log empty. It’s not limited to ranger only … i’ve seen it on guardian gs, thief’s dagger and many more. It started since the new trait patch.
Must have been something gone wrong with the network coding.

It was here before the trait patch. Prior to it though i only experienced it on my rangers LB. Now i’m experiencing it on my necro though :x Sucks to hear melee is being affected by this now too. Whatever is causing it though they need to figure it out and fix it.

Heres a post where it was brought up a couple months ago

There might have been better threads that brought it up but this was the only one i had commented in so the only one i could find lol