Downleveling zones need tweaking slightly

Downleveling zones need tweaking slightly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


Hi I was gonna start my 100% brisban wildlands, I am lvl 41 so mobs should prove no problems. I started to attack a group of lvl 24 fireflies and was killed and I though how did they just kill me. I looked down and saw that my downlevel had been put at 17, yet I moved a few metres forward from my death spot and saw that the downlevel had shot up to 25. I think the downlevel zone could be a bit further back.

Heres the first image showing lvl 17


Downleveling zones need tweaking slightly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VinceNoir.2016


heres the 2nd image showing me a few metres forward with new downlevel at 25
