Draconic Armour Legs

Draconic Armour Legs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mexay.4521


This isn’t a bug as such, it’s more so just poor modelling, but seeing as there is nowhere to put it, the thread is going here.

The Draconic Armour set is an exotic max stat set for the heavy armour class, it looks extremely cool and it’s the one with the big long skirt.

The only problem with this particular set, is that it’s actually been put together extremely poorly. Sure, standing still, it looks fantastic, but animated? The legs clip, are actually missing parts, metal turns out to actual be cloth/leather as far as physics are concerned.

This wouldn’t be a problem, were it just some trash armour you get along the way and replace in 3 levels, it’s actually high-end armour and as such, should have extreme amounts of detail.

For example, the two side plates, are actually attached to the skirt, not the waist. For starters, this doesn’t make sense as armour, secondly, it proves for poor animation.

Furthermore, when dancing, you can actually see that the long skirt part of the around isn’t attached to the wasit, there is this odd little gap up the side where you can see the scaleplate leggings, again, this doesn’t make sense and it actually looks really bad.

Now, there is also the back plate and the front plate. The front plate is fine, except for the fact that, similar to the back plate, it actually is meshed as leather or cloth. It’s METAL, last time I checked, METAL does not FLAP and BEND. However, this is understandable, I do not expect extremely realistic high quality armours from an MMO. That is just being entitled.

The back piece of the legs CONSTANTLY clips whilst running with any two hand weapon (i.e. greatsword). This could easily have been fixed by 1, simmply adding the texture to the cloth skirt (which would probably be as bad) or making it a metal object OR not having the pieces so incredibly close (aproximately 10 or so units should be fine)

I’m not bagging out ArenaNet and saying it’s crappy, but it’s poorly done. The concept is amazing and since actually seeing the concept art for it, I’ve been in love with it. Guild Wars two is a BEAUTIFUL game in so many ways, thus why something like this amazing armour set DESERVES attention. It looks incredible, but the actual way it was model doesn’t deliver that look when it’s animated.

To finish, I leave this “bug report” with a quote.

“If it looks bad animated, we didn’t do our job as modellers”

Mexay Lathyre – Level 80 Warrior Greatsword/Longbow

Still waiting on Customer Support. #121025-001252