Dragon Helmets Bug (LA Overflows)
This also happened to me. I exited out of a game of Dragon Ball. All the sudden I get an achievement and a daily chest thing. It was the fireworks achievement and the dragon helm. I didn’t do anything and I don’t know how I got it. I was also in a LA overflow.
I had the exact same experience as Kojiden.
I was playing Dragon Ball, my internet disconnected which disconnected my game too. When I came back on, I received the fireworks achievement and also the box with 3 dragon helms. Was also in an overflow server.
I also just received the Big Boom in the Big City achievement, and the reward, on zoning in to Lion’s Arch overflow from The Grove.
I got it when I used the queensdale portal to Lion’s Arch over flow.
which server are you guys at?
Got it too, in first day on Seafarer’s Rest. On some overflow