Dragon chest bugged

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: ZilentNight.5089


Honestly i think its time we remove DR from the game, its absolutely killing every aspect of the game.

You cannot do dungeons too fast, my guild barely skips anything and we hit DR after doing 2 paths…
You farm a few events in cursed shore and next thing you know, you hit DR…
Now DR affecting Dragon chests?…Seriously!

Will i hit DR for playing the game next? If i play more than 20 mins, the game will not allow me to move around, walking DR?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Just signed on this afternoon after 10 hr break. I did one event in claedon on my guardian then switched to my necro and did Teq……..NO CHEST. Really how can I be on DR after 1 event?

The worst part about it, now I know I’m on DR so really there’s no motivation to do anything else in PvE b/c I know my drops will be effected, my dragon chests will be effected, my events will be effected, and I cannot do anything about it. I just started playing today and I hit this barrier. That simply cannot be working as intended.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: quewbism.9628


The chest didn’t show up for me on Shatterer again….third time in the last 3 days. It seems if I’m there for the entire event there’s no problem, but if I show up after the dragon has landed, even if the event just started, no chest. I can’t see it, and I don’t get the “Search”.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Bull.3461


Gold reward but no chest on Shatterer twice in as many days and attempts. An explanation from those in the know would certainly help.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Just to clarify to people. You’re not hitting DR on the dragon chest because you’ve done something before hand to get dr. It is definitely a bug related to dr and the downscaling which randomly triggers you to get this bug. Any other event or mobs will not have this problem, just the dragons. I think we should be well over 500 chest lost by now for a lot of players. Wonder if anet will even think about compensating our efforts for this. It’s safe to say, almost every single player who has killed a dragon in the last week has had this happen to them.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Massic.1639


Over a dozen instances of the “on/off site for event start, gold qualification but no chest”, seven reported after varying levels of previous play activity.

I will no longer be participating in this content until this issue has been addressed and resolved.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

The chest didn’t show up for me on Shatterer again….third time in the last 3 days. It seems if I’m there for the entire event there’s no problem, but if I show up after the dragon has landed, even if the event just started, no chest. I can’t see it, and I don’t get the “Search”.

I just finished Teq 5ish mins ago…..was there 100% (from “there’s something in the water”) of time participating/gold reward but no chest.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Windstar.5371


Is there going to be any update about this issue? I am losing about 50% of my chest from Dragon kills. I get a gold event complete but no chest. It is getting very annoying!!!!!!!!!!!

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Seth Bloodmoon.4921

Seth Bloodmoon.4921

4 times now in the last day I have gotten no chest despite getting a gold on the dragons. I have not even been farming events in the areas. I haven’t even been using the characters I keep parked in the dragon spots.

Even if I was farming events in those areas it has never been a problem before the last big patch.

In the court of King Chaos only blood can write its own tragedy.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Shiny.1502


I’ve also had this happen. It’s not DR. I’m staying away from the dragon events until they fix it.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Massic.1639


This was just recently posted in another thread by an Anet designer. If it does not apply to your “missing chest” encounter, I would suggest posting as such:


As far as my own opinion of this goes, I’m a little irritated about how we are allowed to complete certain activities by the game’s shifting mechanics. I’d like it if “community driven” also implied an “informed community”.

Dragon chests often barely covered the cost of waypointing to them, so an obvious alternative was to park a level appropriate character in the area and switch in when indicated by the dragon timers, same with the (former) rich ori node in Southsun Cove. It may have been “cheap” but that tactic being considered exploitative is debatable and I can’t help but feel that we’re being punished for being clever, and punished with “hidden moves” rather than an announcement. It’s fine if they don’t want us doing things “this way” or “that way”, but it would have been nice if we had been told they had planned to do this. I don’t expect or intend for anyone to act upon or even agree with what I’ve said, I just feel better having said it and I got to vent for wasting my time.

(edited by Massic.1639)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

When ya’ll did this “tweaking” ya’ll broke dragon DR.

The issue with the dragon chests should only effect people who park characters at dragons and don’t play them anywhere else. Is this what you are doing?

It took Robert all of 20 mins to answer. We need a Robert in the bug section….lol

Serenity now~Insanity later

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Hmm, where did he say this, I would like to find him and send him a cookie for responding to us the issue at least.

Nvm, found it, thanks

(edited by Lafiel.9372)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Cake Ion.6815

Cake Ion.6815

I do this event daily and always get a chest spawn with loot after the dragon dies.

Lately, I’ve gotten a few times I got no chest spawn though I did get a Gold Event Completion notification after each event. So I do contribute since I’m always there early and have yet to disconnect at anytime of the event. And yes, I am targeting the correct boss and doing as much damage to get him down. I’ve done this event so many times in the past. This hasn’t happened before.

I filed a report bug in-game last week with a screenshot but have yet to get a response. I had to report it again since it kept happening this week.
I just want them to fix it, especially since it takes a lot of time waiting for him to arrive and having to kill him.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Bluenova.8130


Just done Tequatl the Sunless and got a gold for the event and no chest

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Turial.1293


When ya’ll did this “tweaking” ya’ll broke dragon DR.

The issue with the dragon chests should only effect people who park characters at dragons and don’t play them anywhere else. Is this what you are doing?

Why the ninja update? Was there an exploit? Were bots farming it via well-placed alts? There was no need for it, as stated above the loot you receive from dragons is not worth the waypoint cost. Unless you intend to make dragons drop precursors or something else worthwhile this is a very unwelcome adjustment and I see no merit in it. As for alt-placing itself, I did this on the dragons for the first week and then realised that the loot was not even worth a character switch.

Solution for players: leave alt parked there, once dragon is en route, switch to another alt in another area and warp to the dragon to get the chest. Seems whoever planned the update just wasted time on nerfing loot when they could have been fixing bugs in the game.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

(edited by Turial.1293)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Reaver.9256


“Robert Hrouda.1327:

Essence Snow.3194:

When ya’ll did this “tweaking” ya’ll broke dragon DR.

The issue with the dragon chests should only effect people who park characters at dragons and don’t play them anywhere else. Is this what you are doing?"

If I’m reading this correctly, then you’ve basically just told me that months of my time and 7/8 characters I have are useless. Just because I like doing teq on my guardian kittenon my mesmer,jorg on my ranger, maw on my thief, etc, etc, etc. Now to play how I have always liked playing I would have to logon 8 different characters everyday and work off dr just so I can get loot. I just can’t possibly see how this would be intentional……

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Fishboy.2914


yea if people wan to camp their characters and only kill dragons whats the issue? its not an exploit, as long as they arent botting its doing nothing wrong and they shouldnt be punished for it, they paid for the game they get to decide how to play it

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: ezd.6359


When ya’ll did this “tweaking” ya’ll broke dragon DR.

The issue with the dragon chests should only effect people who park characters at dragons and don’t play them anywhere else. Is this what you are doing?

It took Robert all of 20 mins to answer. We need a Robert in the bug section….lol

They nerf / bug profitable places to 0 and force us to find new effective ways to farm something then punish us for doing this. Great!

English is not my native language, sorry :<

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Avyin.2954


So I just did Shatterer event, and got gold on it for the event. But no chest appeared this also happened to me two times on Jormag yesterday. Please fix it I know I’m not the only one it’s happening to since I’ve seen others complaining about the same issue in normal and map chat.

(edited by Avyin.2954)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: ExTribble.7108


If you have the loot from the last chest still in your inventory, the chest usually doesn’t appear (at least for me). I noticed this a few weeks back when I was doing Tequatl with an alt that’s parked there. It’s not 100% consistent, but ever since I’ve been clearing out the inventory on my alts parked at each dragon, I haven’t run into the no-chest bug even once.

Could all be a coincidence on my end, but it might be worth a shot if you’re not already clearing your inventory.

“Any lump can hack bad guys to death, but it takes skill
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Avyin.2954


If you have the loot from the last chest still in your inventory, the chest usually doesn’t appear (at least for me). I noticed this a few weeks back when I was doing Tequatl with an alt that’s parked there. It’s not 100% consistent, but ever since I’ve been clearing out the inventory on my alts parked at each dragon, I haven’t run into the no-chest bug even once.

Could all be a coincidence on my end, but it might be worth a shot if you’re not already clearing your inventory.

My bags had no previous loot in them.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Reaver.9256


Well just had this happen again and I did events in the area beforehand. I’d really like a clear answer to this problem.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: poziix.7285


I play my character all over the place. The chest was missing, so something went wrong

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: homedog.8076


This is the 3rd time I have killed Shatter and no chest spawned for me. This is really getting old!

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Rei Mizser.7651

Rei Mizser.7651

I just did sunless and got gold but no chest

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Reaver.9256


Well after a few support emails and such they finally got back to me with an answer. They said it’s definitely a bug and they hope to get the fix out in a patch soon. That made me feel much better about spending months making alts.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Nemus.8702


Same thing happening to me aswell, for the last 3 jormag kills i didnt even get event done notice neither chest. Was there all 3 times from the start to the end of the kill ( ofc not standing on the side watching afk ).

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Sagramor.7395


Just happened for the first time tonight. No chest after Tequatl. I’ve never not received a chest before.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Dcollins.6973


Punish the masses for the deeds of the few. Sounds like Anet has adopted American politics.

ArenaNets idea of a legendary is appalling…
Illivatur – Juggernaut – Eternity – Jade Quarry

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: azlanfox.5309


yea if people wan to camp their characters and only kill dragons whats the issue? its not an exploit, as long as they arent botting its doing nothing wrong and they shouldnt be punished for it, they paid for the game they get to decide how to play it

I agree with you, but you are wrong in the eyes of every game company out there. You may buy their game, spend actual money in their cash shops, and fulfill all terms and conditions, but you still do not have the right to decide how you play the game. Anet, like all the others, wants you to do it their way only and they will tell you what that is, or you have to find out somehow if it is ninja’d in.

You have to be aware, that you only buy the privilege to play the game (how they want to let you, when they want to let you, etc.), nothing more. All these companies have the right to change or take away any or all things within at any time and are not even required to inform you ahead of time.

It sucks, but that is the real situation. They will likely never fully admit to it, and do not call them, confront them, or insult them on it at any time. A staffer who takes a dislike to you can cause a lot of havoc with your game account, in-game experience, and even the financial means you use to acquire expansions or cash shop items. And unless they are sloppy, you can never prove it. We just have to live with it.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: olishious.1562


I did 2 different dragons today and no chests for either one. It’s the only events I have done today. I am DONE with this kitten crap

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


yea if people wan to camp their characters and only kill dragons whats the issue? its not an exploit, as long as they arent botting its doing nothing wrong and they shouldnt be punished for it, they paid for the game they get to decide how to play it

I agree with you, but you are wrong in the eyes of every game company out there. You may buy their game, spend actual money in their cash shops, and fulfill all terms and conditions, but you still do not have the right to decide how you play the game. Anet, like all the others, wants you to do it their way only and they will tell you what that is, or you have to find out somehow if it is ninja’d in.

You have to be aware, that you only buy the privilege to play the game (how they want to let you, when they want to let you, etc.), nothing more. All these companies have the right to change or take away any or all things within at any time and are not even required to inform you ahead of time.

It sucks, but that is the real situation. They will likely never fully admit to it, and do not call them, confront them, or insult them on it at any time. A staffer who takes a dislike to you can cause a lot of havoc with your game account, in-game experience, and even the financial means you use to acquire expansions or cash shop items. And unless they are sloppy, you can never prove it. We just have to live with it.

Come on guys, have a little more faith in Anet, though a lot of it is fueled by money, there is still a little good about it. I’m sure this is ultimately a bug that they’re being very very slow to fix about it because it’s not breaking the economy but just grieving the players.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Ectomatic.6271


In the past 2 weeks I have noticed my level 80 Necro earning gold reward for Shatterer but about 40% of the time not getting a chest. 99% of the time I’m pounding away from the time he lands till the finish and no chest. I’m useing the axe/dagger combo at close range getting 150-900 damage/hit. My minions are hitting for additional damage also. Is it possible that sometime after the Feb 28th update something happened to the “damage required for chest” calculations got screwed up?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Ectomatic.6271


Ok, maybe because Im farming dust each time b4 spawn DR is kicking in. I’ll try doing other stuff, then come back and see.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Zelf.1935



Since i farm many and many chests for the past 3 months
this bug already existed long ago
but i’ve noticed something
it happens to me when i log in at the same time the boss event (dragon, fire elemental, etc) is in the process then i may have a “chance” to get the bug

but if i succeed another event before killing the boss i always get the chest
so i don’t know if DR is at fault here.

Pls look into it faster thx =D
I already had like 30 “invisible” chest… for the past 3 months T.T
(maybe a precursor was in of of them!!)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


It happened before but now it’s MUCH MUCH more common to get hit about it. Probably to do with whatever new change they added. I mainly stick with just jormag now since his preevents kinda “unbugs” it for me.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Blueshield.6291


Did any of you do another event prior to fighting dragon? It’s possible you’re hitting the DR if you completed another event beforehand.

I’ve experienced this bug (silver completion medal, no chest) when fighting Claw of Jormag was the first thing I did after leaving LA upon logging on, after about 16 hours offline.

It’s worth noting that in that circumstance, there were enough people on my server participating in the event that almost nobody was able to use skills beyond autoattack (they simply wouldn’t activate after keystrokes/UI button presses), and by reports all of Frostgorge was experiencing similar severe lag. Therefore, it’s possible that this specific incident is isolated from the others being reported, as a product of lag rather than a DR bug.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: akuzum.5263


Today (like the other days ), I joined the Shatterer event twice (like hundereds of ppl) from beginning to the end and I didn’t get any chests at both times.
Is it a bug, only for me or a known issue?
(And sorry for my poor English.)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: The Spiral King.2483

The Spiral King.2483

Known issue, pray to the RNG gods to forgive you your sin of actually wanting something for doing an event.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: pmsing cranker.1704

pmsing cranker.1704

I’ve seen it but each time I’ve not seen the chest – due to I think being low level was like 45ish maybe lower in that zone

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Bloodhound.4358


I have now lost out on at least 6 chests in last 2 weeks, at Shatterer. From reading the above posts I still seem to think it’s somewhat random….. In just know I’m real dissapointed at the time wasted waiting for and killing dragons only to get nothing from it. I don’t play games to be frustrated by bugs like this!

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: azlanfox.5309


Come on guys, have a little more faith in Anet, though a lot of it is fueled by money, there is still a little good about it. I’m sure this is ultimately a bug that they’re being very very slow to fix about it because it’s not breaking the economy but just grieving the players.

To be completely honest, everything is fueled by money. There is not a single thing in the world that is not tied in some way to money.

It isn’t that I don’t have faith in Anet, I have faith that they will do what is right for their stakeholders and their business. Nothing more. They will either fix it or they won’t. Asking to fix it, complaining, demanding (like we have any weight with which to demand anything from a game company), or anything else has all the same level of consideration minus how its presentation effects the receiver. Anet is overly infatuated with its DR concept, so I doubt they will bend in any way.

All the hardcore players already have their legendary, ascended, infused swag with thousands of gold overflowing their banks. They were in before stuff got nerfed and were too busy figuring out how to get the most while everyone else balked at changes. This only truly has impact on those of us who can’t live in the game, have only patience for finding the obvious and easy routes to make our bling. We don’t have the patience or time to carve a million tries at a thousand different variables to find the little “ins”.

Anet doesn’t care about either group. They just care about microtransactions and generating enough stuff to keep mildly annoyed players from becoming fully annoyed and slipping off to WoW or something.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: John Wynn.3461

John Wynn.3461

This has happened to me two days in a row at Teq. I left my ele there to kill him. I’ve only killed him twice and both times no chest. Yesterday I killed him, gold reward, no chest. The same day I killed Shatterer with my Mes and got the chest, no problem. I believe DR is account wide, so that shouldn’t be the problem. Also I play the game pretty legit. I don’t really farm areas extensively. I’ve really never hit DR besides when doing CoF P1 speed runs, and I only do those periodically.

Today I logged on and was doing my daily’s, and he spawned so I went to kill him for a daily event. Gold reward, no chest. Shouldn’t have had any DR as I was barely on for 10 minutes before Teq spawned…

In summary I’m not buying into that this is DR related.

Also what’s up with Jason King showing up 10+ days ago, and no response since then from Anet?

Lastly, what’s the point of DR really? I get really tired of normal players being punished for botters. Stop it already.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: sorae.7394


This is the third time I haven’t gotten the chest from Tequatl now. All three times, I’ve dealt damage from start to finish, haven’t dc’d or left the map, received Gold exp/karma, etc, but the chest has not been showing up.

Confusing part is that other people do not seem to be having this problem.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: vove.2768


It is a very common bug happening to a lot of people, on shatterer there is the same problem, some people just don’t see the chest/can’t loot it even though they contributed a lot into the event and there is no workaround so we just have to wait till they find out what is the cause and patch it. Since game is full of bugs at the moment I don’t think it will happen soon as they have hands full of work.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Deviija.7869


DR Is ridiculous, imo. It’s not solving anything for real players and people that work hard to get things they want. But I don’t think this is related to DR… unless it is incredibly broken on a larger scale with calculating events and what a player is doing.

This is the second time in the last two days that I’ve done Shatterer and not gotten a chest reward. I get golds for the events, I stay there the entire event (and even do the pre event on dragons), yet I’m not getting the reward sometimes. That is too strange and rather unfair imho. I put the work in, I made the time, but nothing in return. :\

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Jason King.2647


Jason King.2647

Live Response Embed

While we’re continuing to investigate this and other item-drop related concerns, we’ve gathered all the information we need at this time. Once we have more information on this subject, we will provide you with an update.

This thread will now be closed. Thank you for your feedback.

ArenaNet Community Team
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