Dragon chest bugged

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


So, I just finish the dragon chest, got gold medal and no chest? some people got it apparently but a bunch of us didn’t.

I have screenie as proof too


(edited by Lafiel.9372)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Ekleipsis.4820


D: ..

Spamming [F] while running around in assumed chest spawn area, did not yield anything.


Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Again, this time i got it and my friend didn’t. No, we’re not doing something silly like guesting to other servers to kill dragons. We just kill the ones on our own server.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Ekleipsis.4820


Second time for it to happen to me. This is an odd bug.. It also appears to be random?

The portals left behind give indication where the chest should be, but no chest loot command is prompted. Running around also yields nothing. Re-logging doesn’t appear to magically make the chest appear and between the time of the last Teq slaying, I have logged out completely (rather than just to character selection screen).


Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Heres another one for me at shatterer so not just teq. I notice this happened to a select few in chat as well.


Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Havidos.9328


e-gats. I remember this happenening awhile back ago too. Looks like this nasty bug is back again.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: topobelgo.9432


same, second time for me. I kill destructor just before it may be …. nerfed?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Atheas.7580


I just did the event in Blazeridge at Shatterer, it’s an event I’ve done before with no issues, I was in it from start to finish doing plenty of damage to the mob on my thief. At the end no chest was visible to get rewards. I’ve never had this issue before at any of the dragon events.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Tiger Ashante.1792

Tiger Ashante.1792

I had it happen to me a couple of weeks both on Jormag and Shatterer. I reported them as bugs and haven’t had it happen since and hopefully it will stay that way. But yea the chest was completely invisible just to me, as all other ppl said the chest was there.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Another one for today… sighz please fix this.. the dragon chest have crappy enough drop rates as it is..now we don’t even get a chest after killing it?


Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


It is not just simply invisible. It is simply not there because if it was invisible at least we could still loot it

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Sitael.4680


So, I just finish the dragon chest, got gold medal and no chest?

Half so bad. I fighted the shatterer (saw alle my damage numbers etc.) and not even got the Event! No EXP, no Kama and of course no event => no chest.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Here’s something funny, just killed shatterer, no chest as usual and to add to it, my event completion award is 723 exp 15 karma?!!!!!

No I haven’t hit dr and as you can see in my other post, at least I got 9k exp from my last shatterer (no chest).

The only thing I did before this is a jormag which gave me a chest and a teq which didn’t give me a chest..


Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Ekleipsis.4820


Buggy at Shatterer for me as well. :x


Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Jason King.2647

Jason King.2647

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Thanks for the reports, everyone; we’re looking into this now.

ArenaNet Community Team
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Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Reaver.9256


Thanks for the response! Just had this happen to me on Teq. Got a gold medal and was there the whole fight, but no chest

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Thanks for the response, here is another teq kill with no chest and weird EXP given (4834 exp, not the usual 16k)


Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


It’s getting pretty bad this bug, not only am i getting like 800 exp on a level 80 character, I don’t think i’ve got one single chest from teq or shatterer and i’ve killed them about 5 times today at least


Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Sempre.5079


This has happened to me twice today against the Shatterer. The chest doesn’t appear and the reward for event completion (xp, karma and money) keeps on dropping. The other dragons seem to spawn chests and rewards correctly.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Jason King.2647


Jason King.2647

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Did any of you do another event prior to fighting dragon? It’s possible you’re hitting the DR if you completed another event beforehand.

ArenaNet Community Team
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Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Vol.5241


I didn’t know we had DR in terms of events. If I recall, that was removed a long time ago (I’ve farmed Cursed Shore events for +12 hours straight and never got DR)

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Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

There is DR on the dragon chest??? That is news to me.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Aex.1243


Did any of you do another event prior to fighting dragon? It’s possible you’re hitting the DR if you completed another event beforehand.

I’ve had 7 chests not spawn for me in the past 2 days (those 7 all at Teq and Shatterer). I’ve been guesting around to get extra dragon events so any DR wouldn’t surprise me, however the first chest I missed out on yesterday was a Teq on my own server before I even thought about guesting at all. I regularly catch most of the dragons in a wide window (5-8 hours) and it was the first chest I have ever had not spawn.

I just did 3 consecutive Claws of Jormag a bit ago (literally back to back to back) and got all of the chests, full karma, including all pre-events (missed all crystals on the 3rd due to it popping during the 2nd kill). This was today using guesting, if that wasn’t clear.

I also did 3 Shatterers in a row today all back to back. Got chest on first two, but not the third. Didn’t check the karma on that third attempt, but yesterday I did have the severely reduced karma (edit: and exp) on some of my kills without chests.

Skipped Teq most of today since yesterday I went 1 for 5 getting chests on him, for the sake of full disclosure.

2nd edit, since I didn’t entirely answer you question:
I only do dragon events, pre-events for Claw and Shatterer, and sometimes the Krait invading the lab event near Teq.

(edited by Aex.1243)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Prototype.3168


Did any of you do another event prior to fighting dragon? It’s possible you’re hitting the DR if you completed another event beforehand.

So you’re saying that diminishing return is strong enough for the game to decide a player “doesn’t deserve the dragon chest” because of having done something before killing the dragon? I sure hope that’s not the system you have in place.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Did any of you do another event prior to fighting dragon? It’s possible you’re hitting the DR if you completed another event beforehand.

So you’re saying that diminishing return is strong enough for the game to decide a player “doesn’t deserve the dragon chest” because of having done something before killing the dragon? I sure hope that’s not the system you have in place.

I thought DR wasn’t supposed to affect the vast majority of players and especially not casual players.

Did you (Jason King) mean was the person chasing dragon events, and did several of those in a row?

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

Oops! Was a cat let out of a bag? I foresee mysterious silence…….

Serenity now~Insanity later

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


You’re kidding, right?

People are saying that chasing around multiple servers to kill dragons back to back is casual/normal play? Thus that DR affecting it is bad?

For pete’s sake. Pardon my eye roll. Don’t start playing the “Oh how mean Arenanet is” game when people are, pardon the term, abusing guesting.

As for the chest not showing up, it’s actually a bug that’s not common but does happen. It happens with any big chest event. I had a friend do the Balthazar temple and didn’t get any chest even though he got the medal. Ive had it happen to me at a dragon or two and a temple or two.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Healix.5819


There has always been a limit to how often you could loot the chests. Back at the start, it was common to be able hop overflows and end up in an in progress “dragon” event, which would not yield a chest.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Aex.1243


There has always been a limit to how often you could loot the chests. Back at the start, it was common to be able hop overflows and end up in an in progress “dragon” event, which would not yield a chest.

Yes this seems to be what’s going on. Just did Teq, 3 Shatterers, and another Teq all in a row in a 40 minute window to see what would happen. Chest on the first Teq, no chest on any of the Shatterers (each with obvious DR on the exp/karma), and no chest on the 2nd Teq, also with DR (though the DR didn’t keep scaling down from the 3 Shatterer kills, which had gotten very low).

Edited for typo.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Jason King.2647


Jason King.2647

Live Response Embed


Thanks for the details, everyone! We’ll be looking into this issue and examining how dragon chests are affected by DR.

ArenaNet Community Team
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Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Reaver.9256


I never have a chance to get DR on the character I kill the dragons on. I have a different character parked at all 3 dragons that only login for those dragons so they never have a chance for DR. Still have not gotten chests from dragons since patch.

Also left a bug post about one of my lower lvl characters that still was being affected by DR after I hadn’t played for 12+ hours. I’m guessing there’s a nasty dr bug going around.

(edited by Reaver.9256)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Can’t we just lose the DR?

Bots aren’t nearly as wide-spread as they used to be.

People are already immensely rich due to playing the trade-post.

Hardcore players all already have their Legendaries so there’s no reason to farm.

All the DRs are doing is affecting people who don’t deserve to be affected by them.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Havana.8625


Did any of you do another event prior to fighting dragon? It’s possible you’re hitting the DR if you completed another event beforehand.

Interesting. So from this post, we know a few things for certain about the way DR works:

1. Chests are affected by DR.
2. Since dragons only come once every three hours (and only 3 exist) either
a. DR is independent of the creatures you are fighting (switching the type to dragon does not diminish DR.)
b. DR is really long. So long that the penalties last for many hours.

Now what I want to know is if switching characters or zones has any effect at reducing DR.

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Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Did any of you do another event prior to fighting dragon? It’s possible you’re hitting the DR if you completed another event beforehand.

Interesting. So from this post, we know a few things for certain about the way DR works:

1. Chests are affected by DR.
2. Since dragons only come once every three hours (and only 3 exist) either
a. DR is independent of the creatures you are fighting (switching the type to dragon does not diminish DR.)
b. DR is really long. So long that the penalties last for many hours.

Now what I want to know is if switching characters or zones has any effect at reducing DR.

Oi. If Arenanet people say a word you guys jump on it.

Your theories are really unfounded and you’re pretty much stretching your reasoning extremely thin from a single question that was meant to get information so that they would be better informed.

It’s JUST as easy to interpret their question as trying to figure out what causes the chest not appearing, such as a bug in the DR mechanics, instead of saying that it is intended.

What we do know is that there is DR between events, as proven by Orr farming. Monster DR and Event DR could easily be completely separate things. So your postulations as to monster DR and the length of it have no real ground. The same could be said for the chest DR conclusion that you drew. It could easily be that there is a bug in the event DR that if you hit it, it stops the chest from spawning for you.

I’m sorry if this sounds terse, but the forums have finally, and I mean just finally, stopped screaming and moaning over every perception of Diminishing returns that comes up. Don’t start this again.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Havana.8625


you’re pretty much stretching your reasoning extremely thin from a single question that was meant to get information so that they would be better informed.

He does come out and say that it is possible to be hit by DR on a dragon chest if you’ve completed another event beforehand. From that we do know that DR can affect chests and either it lasts really long (from the last time you fought a dragon) or transfers from different types of things (like you could get the DR from fighting completely different creatures or doing completely different events.) I don’t think what I was saying is that big of a stretch.

“We don’t need to make gear treadmills”
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success.
(Please no gear treadmills, Colin!)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: LoreChief.8391


So you’re telling me that when I go from Teq → Shatterer → Claw, I’m screwing myself on rewards because of some unseen diminishing returns??? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: kerona.3465


Just happened to me as well.

Was doing events on an alt, saw Teq go up, logged my 80 that is parked at Teq who had no Event History built up.

Gold Medal and no chest.

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Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Did any of you do another event prior to fighting dragon? It’s possible you’re hitting the DR if you completed another event beforehand.

No, most of the time the only other event I did was another dragon event 3 hours before. In fact, I tried doing an event before hand in teq first to see if i get reduced EXP and I didn’t (the one closest to him with the 5 minutes defence against the krait). Surprisely, that particular time, I got chest from him. That is a pretty steep DR if I hit it for doing almost nothing before hand lol.

Also, I didn’t know DR makes the chest disappear o.O

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Reaver.9256


First time I played in 12-14 hours and kittenconverts to kitten) didn’t drop a chest yet again for me This is the third in a row now. I got full Gold medal,xp,karma etc…..

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Yozoh.8179


Did any of you do another event prior to fighting dragon? It’s possible you’re hitting the DR if you completed another event beforehand.

Isn’t this game all about doing chain events and having multiple activities available and getting rewarded for it?

But if DR is hitting, then many people will skip the events… just like how there are dead zones. It’s already discouraging to get 2-3 blues and 1-2 greens from a chest after all the work.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: SadieDeAtreia.8912


DR affecting chests…

In the words of some of the game’s NPC’s:
“You’re kidding, right!?”

Makes you wonder what else we are not being told.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Vena.8436


All events have DR on them if you repeat the same one non-stop, this has been in game forever and ever, but the chest not appearing seems more like a bug than the actual DR itself kicking in. What it looks like is, if the game thinks you’ve hit DR on an event (repeating it more than twice without any intermittent change of events (this is why Pent/Shelt works, because you are constantly swapping two events so you never hit the DR to diminish the rewards, but if you just sat around farming Pent or Shelt, you’d eventually get nothing from the event) and somehow doesn’t reset the DR when you change events, this could happen.

For example, say you did the escort the Quaggans, but between events the game didn’t register Tequatl as different from Quaggan, you could possibly bug into DR killing the chest.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

(edited by Vena.8436)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Allisa Wonderland.8192

Allisa Wonderland.8192

I’ve repeated events without getting DR.

I’ve had first time events DR’d, then un-DR’d on my second attempt (in a row).

DRing isn’t a reasonable solution, for bots, if it affects human players. If the goal is to keep people moving along, then keep making new content.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Tahantos.5106


Whut? DR from dragon chests was not intended?
I talked with some support guy long time ago that confirmed me that they infact do have DR on chests too.
And now you’re telling me you didn’t even know about it? O.o

I’ll just copy paste the reply I got…


The Diminishing Returns function affects both chests and drops alike. If you constantly farm the same type of enemy (risen, centaur, etc.) it will start to work. We did however, lighten the penalty back on October 7th, listed here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/news/Update-Notes-October-7th-2012 .While we cannot go into detail as to how it works, as long as you migrate to another area you should not receive this penalty. Those ideas you said about tying them to bots are great, but I would suggest putting them on the forums to let other people hear as well. You can find the suggestion forum located here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions .

Please be sure to read the forum post on how the suggestions sub-forum works: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/How-This-Sub-Forum-Works, and note that using the forums for suggestions is temporary until a better solution for collecting your suggestions can be implemented.

While members of the Development Team are not always able to respond, having suggestions available in a public area helps the them gauge the amount of interest for various ideas, and also allows other players to discuss and offer feedback of their own."

And this was like 4 months ago

(edited by Tahantos.5106)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Havana.8625


All events have DR on them if you repeat the same one non-stop, this has been in game forever and ever…

For example, say you did the escort the Quaggans, but between events the game didn’t register Tequatl as different from Quaggan, you could possibly bug into DR killing the chest.

So I guess my immediate question is: If you never repeat a single event, but do every event in a zone once, would you accumulate DR? I imagine no one may know at this point. When does one event count against another for DR?

Edit: Also, does switching characters help? Again, no one may know.

“We don’t need to make gear treadmills”
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success.
(Please no gear treadmills, Colin!)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Ekleipsis.4820


DR has become NR.. (No returns)!!

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


Hmm even jormag gave me no chest now..


Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Sempre.5079


I had done other events prior to fighting Shatterer, but not in the same area or with the same character.

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: visiouscatlover.2406


This just happened to me with Teq, i got the gold medal and everything and it was the first dragon i did in about 3 hours, and before that I was on a low lv character doing the living story thing to get volunteer.
please find the cause for this please, I’m a little discouraged to do other dragon events if I wont get any loot at all

edit, i also went to try jormag, and it didn’t work again. got gold and the exp and stuff but no chest anywhere
got a pic this time


(edited by visiouscatlover.2406)

Dragon chest bugged

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Posted by: Lafiel.9372


I’m very saddened that this has not been fixed in the past 2 patches. If dr is the issue here, remove it temporarily! We don’t deserve to be punished for something that isn’t our fault. This is lost karka all over again, putting effort in a big DE which gave us no reward because of bugs.