Dragon events

Dragon events

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860

Has anyone else noticed the constant need to re-target the dragon and/or having difficulty actually targeting the dragon when the event is underway?
AND with the whacky camera (which is STILL bugged, IMO) not letting you zoom out to an acceptable distance – especially when you are attacking with melee – I can’t click on the dragon to reacquire the target.

And since your reward is based on the amount of damage you do, not being able to target and STAY on target is screwed up.

Dragon events

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mystic.5934


when the dragon loses the target icons, it means it’s not stunned. when not stunned, it takes far less damage. To stun it, it varies on the dragon. claw of jormag, for example, has those golems drop explosives below it. enough get through and it gets stunned.

Dragon events

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


it only takes something ridiculous like 1-2k damage dealt to the dragon or its minions to get “gold” contribution and be eligible to loot the chest afterwards.

And as far as I am aware the loot these chests give is not dependent on how much further damage you did beyond the amount needed to qualify for bronze event medal.

As for the actual difficulty of targeting the dragon, it varies, I often find I accidently click off due to using mouse turning but other than that the only times I “loose” targeting is when the dragons do one of there many attacks that breaks targeting and makes them immune to targeting for the duration, once these attacks are finished the target points on there heads and chests appear again.

Also in general as long as your facing in the direction of its claws/head your character will auto target them (much more reliably as melee).