Dungeon Reward Bug

Dungeon Reward Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Perscillia.8109


Every time I run a instance for the first time of the day or for the first time ever i get the bare minimum reward i have try help tickets in game and out of game on the website no replies it happen on four seperate occasions my character lvl 73 getting on a first time run 15 tokens 3 silver and 30k xp per run no matter if it my first time or first of the day

Dungeon Reward Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seven.4901


i just completed CoE first time and only got 1 crystal and no gold reward or xp….
my friend who was with me got the same…
fix this and pls mail us rest 59 badges and money

Dungeon Reward Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bella.3502


Being the friend who was with Seven doing CoE, I can confirm. Got only 1 Crystal and zero silver. The three other guildies who were with us got 60, 45 and 6 Crystals and all of us did the dungeon for the first time today.

Dungeon Reward Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ewok.7612


I can vouch for this as well today I ran AC twice. Each run awarded only 6 tears + Silver. Each of the people with me were being awarded far more. The previous patch awarded more.

I’m aware this is a bug, but please reward the earned emblems, no more of the “not handing out in game items.”

Patches have unforeseen consequences yes, but please own up to them and deal with the accordingly. I have submitted an in game support based bug report with a screen shot. Let’s see if that does anything.

Dungeon Reward Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GreenBook.1692


I just had a similar occurrence in Twilight Arbor. I got full silver & experiance rewards, but only 45 Deadly Blooms. We took the long route and no one in my group had ever done that path before. Some people got 60, some got 45.

We then ran the shortest path, and yet again I got 45, but the silver and experiance was halved.

Dungeon Reward Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Araq.9850


I received 30 blooms upon completing TA for the first time earlier today, while others received 60.

There appears to be no consistency in the number of tokens handed out judging by the responses from the posts above.

Dungeon Reward Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kitten.8051


i just completed CoE first time and only got 1 crystal and no gold reward or xp….
my friend who was with me got the same…
fix this and pls mail us rest 59 badges and money

Ran TA for first time post patch, first time I have run any dungeon in 2 days. The party leader left about 5 seconds after the reward box came up (which was just 13 silver 88k exp, 30 tokens) but I didn’t have time to accept it as I was reading it wondering why the patch hadn’t fixed it. The party leader left, which kicked my character out of TA, making the reward box dissapear.

After the loading screen passed I was outside TA and the unclaimed reward box popped up again.

But this time it said NO experience, NO money and just 1 token.

So I feel for you, same issue here.

As a sufferer of the incorrect and unfair diminishing returns bug ever since diminishing returns were put into the game I can’t help but despair a little at the messed up rewards when I think about all the gold I haven’t been awarded totaled up. But now it is tokens ASWELL…so this patch has made this even worse for me.

As it stands, the truth of it is I simply cannot enjoy the dungeons at the moment; which is a shame.

Dungeon Reward Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TubeOxen.1427


I did 5 dungeon runs today.
I went through Twilight Arbor and got 30 Blossoms, everyone else in the group got the maximum reward of 60, or 45 because they had done the run before.

I went through Citadel of Flame and got 15 Totems, once again everyone else in the group got the full reward.

Then I did Honor of the Waves, 2 runs of the Butcher, 6 tokens and 5 tokens, and 1 run of the zealot with a reward of 6 tokens again. And once again, everyone else was given the full reward.

I hope there’s some way to get compensated for this. It’s a real let down when I’ve waited for a good week or so for the Butcher’s path to be fixed, only to be railed on the completion reward.