Dungeon Rewards Broken

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Awkward.1286


My 1st Dungeon for the Day, i received 45 tokens.
My 2nd Dungeon for the Day, i received 45 tokens.
My 3rd Dungeon for the Day, i Received 2 tokens.

I have no idea what is going on right now, but people are talking about getting 60, every single time they have run the dungeons, and some are even getting 70..

Meanwhile the population for the dungeons has dropped down and am struggling to find a group.

Here is a screenshot of my 2 tokens for people to enjoy.


Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: zencow.3651


I thought my repeating the TA forward-up path (to help the pug and a friend out who never did it before) giving only 15 blossoms instead of 20 was bad. Friend got only 45 for the path, first time doing it in 1 week, the rest of the pug got 60 (even though we ALL presumably ran the up path excessively prior to the patch).

Perhaps if you died more you got more tokens?

We also did TA forward-forward before that and everyone did get 60 tokens for that though. We did both paths in around 50 mins each which nothing like a speed clear. Anet, please fix your anti-exploit codes ASAP!

Quasi-elitist dungeoneer and missing Gw1 GvGs greatly.
“GW2’s PvE is almost as bad as the PvP.”

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Mitheledh.2190


I had the same problem. I ran SE today, doing two of the paths. The first time, I got 30 tokens. The second path, I got 15. So, instead of the 120 I should have, I got 45. The rest of my group got the 60 for each path they were suppose to get.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: MioSoupy.6250


I been having the problem since last update that reduce dungeon reward. I got tired of CoF speed run so after I got my gears I only do daily run and thats before the patch change the system. After the patch, I only get 6 silver while the rest of my team getting 26 silver. And today after another patch, it get worse, my daily run gave me 6 silver plus 15 token total while my team gets 60 token and 26 silver. Sending ticket never helps anything, and even it fixed, we still waste so many time because this broken bug.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: tsthy.7945


Same for me.

1st CoE run: 45 tokens
2nd CoE run: 30 tokens

I didn’t do a 3rd run and won’t until this is fixed.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Complistic.2876


Yup, for TA I’m getting 30 tokens for a first time run for both UP and straight up. I did ghost eater in AC and got 60 correctly. I havent done any other dungeons.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Bravix.3497


Ran path 3 of CM. First time, got 60. Went ahead and ran path 2 then. Got 45 -_- should have been 60 each according to patch notes.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: FunkMasterKe.9370


yup, same for me. Didn’t get correct token amount in TA.

Ran Up Up: 45
Ran Foward Forward: 15
Ran Up Forward: 10

Kinda choked, don’t really feel like running dungeons until this is fixed.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: proxy.3297


i only got 15 tokens first time running AC!!! WTF!!!! everyone else in my group got 60???..


(edited by Moderator)

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Silenoz.5638


I ran butcher last night, was my first butcher run ever and only got 15 tokens. Others in the party got 60, 45 and 30 tokens.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: tellah.8396


So I don’t run an instance for a week, I do hotw tonight and I get 15 tokens for the first run. I then run the same path with my group and I get 2 tokens and 2 silver for the second run. ………………………

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Awkward.1286


Looks like im still winning.

With the lowest amount of tokens as a reward!..
Ill take my Trophy/Reward for the win now…

What do you mean i dont get one?!?!?!?!!!

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Bloodprowler.5091


I got 6 tokens after doing For, Up in TA exp. Made me super sad…

and that was my first time ever completing any of the explore paths

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: xerca.6135


I did Twilight Arbor the first time today and me and another one got 30. The rest in the group got 60. We all did another path a couple of days ago.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Awkward.1286


My First Dungeon For today, 15 tokens.

This is indeed broken.

Screenshot as proof.


Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Davos.1567


Happened for me also. CM 3 path, all of them yielded 45 token each only.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: adri.1583


My First Dungeon 15 Token
Second (with another way) 6 Token

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Lindetiel.4602


I wonder when someone from the Arena team will answer this issue. I am afraid to even start doing explorables. Today I did another story mode dungeon and got 6s50c while my friends got 26s… we did 5 dungeons together. It’s so cool that they got more than 1 gold while I got around 42silver -.- Probably I will be bugged all the same in explorables….

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Kitten.8051


After getting rubbish 13 silver or 2 silver no matter what I did ever since they put diminishing returns in and since after yesterdays patch its got so much worse for me – getting 1 single token and no money/no exp as a reward from my first run in three days yesterday was the last straw for me with dungeons.

I’m not touching them until they are fixed PROPERLY.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Flameseeker.1367


What can I say? I just did the 3rd path today in CoF explorable mode for the VERY FIRST TIME, and it took roughly more than 30 min (mostly because the final boss kept running back and fro with the invincible buff) and I get…. 2 TOKENS?! I was like, what in the world… I asked my team mates, and they got around 15-30 or so. But 2 tokens? I ain’t going near CoF anymore. Previously, doing the 2nd path twice awarded me with 15, respectively 6 tokens.

This is infuriating. Especially since you’re awarded the tokens after completing the whole darn thing, you don’t know whether it’s gonna be worth it (because of the bug) or not.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Bazahkah.1397


Just ran TA exp for the first time today. I got 5 tokens, rest of the group got 60. Why have you forsaken me?!?!?!?

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: klavshc.3546


Same problem for me. It’s Kitten Kittened up the Kitten.
Bug reported it ingame:
Yesterday – Twillight Arbor – Up path- received 30 tokens upon completing, no speed run, no exploits or anything. Was supposed to be 60.
Today- Twillight Arbor- Down Up path – 45 tokens, no speed run, or exploit, rest of group all received 60. was supposed to be 60for me too.
Later today – Twillight Arbor – Up Path – 30 tokens, again the rest (3 of the same group as earlier today) got 60, I was supposed to get 60.
Later today -Flame Citadel – (done for the first time in 3 days) 15!! tokens, rest of group got between 45 and 60.
Seriously messed up!

I’m normally very calm and mellow, but this Kitten is Kittening up my Kitten to Kitten lvls!


Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Lindetiel.4602


Okay so just to give you a proof. 2s60c from Citadel of Flame story mode. so much fun. I wonder how many tokens can drop for me from explorable… (-2) ?


Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Awkward.1286


Just did another run of CoF.

I got 10 tokens.

So im being punished or something, lots of wasted time.
Think im just going to buy gold and craft an exotic set.

I mean.. why bother doing dungeons now, i have never received the correct amount of tokens for any run, being it first time per day or whatever.. its just irritating and am quite annoyed with this.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Balkur.5406


Just did my very first run of AC explorable and only got 15 tokens.

This is less then half of what I would have gotten pre-patch.

Was really looking forward to doing some dungeon runs today, but I think I’m just going to go play some other game now until Anet can actually fix their broken game.

Oh look, Mists of Pandaria came out yesterday. Bye Guild Wars, see ya in 6 months.

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Aza.2105


I did TA once yesterday and got 15 deadly blossoms. Everyone else got 60.

Tried it again today and everyone got 60 and again I got 15 deadly blossoms.

I would like my 90 missing tokens. I wrote a trouble ticket but no response.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Aaron M.4827

Aaron M.4827

Unfortunately my playing time in GW2 will be limited until they fix this PvE-game-breaking bug. This is one of the main reasons a lot of people play PvE in this game – to run dungeons to try and save for exotic gear and/or appearances. I ran TA last night for the first time and it was quite tough, as we had several new people. It was a learning experience that took over 2 hours, and in the end, I received 6 tokens upon completion (54 less than the patch notes promised). The other 4 members got 15, 30, 30 and 60 tokens. I put in a ticket last night with screenshot and still no response 24 hours later. While I’d like the 54 tokens I was supposed to receive, I somehow doubt that will happen as this appears to be a severe and widespread problem. Please respond to this thread at least, ANet… I think we, as players, deserve to know that this is being looked at and to know whether or not we will be rewarded the proper amount of tokens at some point.

(edited by Aaron M.4827)

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: grumbles.5412


First Time Ran Honor of the Waves path 1 got the 60 koda tokens. Ran the Honor of the Waves path 3.. ended up with only 20 koda tokens. Some members in the group got full 60 each time another got 30 for the second round

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Dungeon Rewards Broken

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Posted by: Darkdragons.5860


I ran CoF path 2 got 45 tokens first run of day then ran path 1 and got 30 tokens first time again… Then I ran path 2 one more time and I died at the end to went back to wp and it got loading screen stuck and I ended up having to leave game and come back then I got 1 token no exp or gold. (took the pic right after I clicked accept my bad) http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn307/darkdragon0955/gw061.jpg