Dungeon Rewards once again...

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Ethanar.6034


whether it’s explo mode or story, whether I been there before or not, no matter how I do it or what constellation my group has, we get different rewards. I usually get 2 silver 30 copper up to 13 silver for a run, instance doesnt matter and so does one of my mates. The other 3 usually get the full reward of 26 silver (exp I dont care about, been lvl 80 for so long now and I dont need skillpoints anymore, but the silver is messed up and drives me nuts).

Anyone else experienced bugged rewards? its been quite some time now and when I calculate how much gold I missed out I’m fainting, this should not be the intention of “fixing” a dungeon….. you made dungeons so unattractive now Anet =(

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: ACAlCapone.3784


I really thought that todays update would change/fix the dungeons but it only made it worse…

I did 4 runs today (all with the same 4 people except the last one)

1. Ascalonian Catacombs → Howling King
For me: 45 tears and 19s50c
All others: 60 tears and 26s

2. Citadel of Flames → Effigy
For me: 30 carvings and 12s
Partymember 1: 45 carvings
All others: 60 carvings

3. Ascalonian Catacombs → Colussus
For me: 15 tears and 6s50c
Partymember 1: 30 tears
Partymember 2: 45 tears
Partymember 3+4: 60 tears

4. Citadel of Flames → Tribune
For me: 6 carvings and 2s and some copper
Partymember 2: 30 carvings
New member: 45 carvings
Partymember 3+4: 60 carvings

To sum it up:
I got 60 tears and 36 carvings (as supposed to 120 of both).
Partymember 1 got 90 tears and 45 carvings (120/60) – didnt participate in the last CoF-Run.
Partymember 2 got 105 tears and 90 carvings.
Partymember 3+4 got 120 tears and carvings.
New one got 45 carvings/60.

Also I didn’t get an update for the explorer achievement.

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


This is getting really annoying. I just did CM explorable, it was my first and only dungeon for today and the last dungeon I did was yesterday (SE story mode), I shouldn’t be getting any diminishing returns yet when we completed the dungeon I only got 30 tokens and the rest of my party got 45. According to the patch notes I should’ve gotten 60 tokens not 30.

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: neko.9028


I did AC today, the first time ever doing the first path. You know how many tears I got? 6. I got 6. 6…

I was looking forward to 60. But I got 6, and they also don’t even stack. Sigh… I hope they fix this soon, and that they will give players the amount they where supposed to get…



Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Elmes.6108


i ran CE path 3 and then path 1 today, and got only 45 and 30 tokens from them when my party members got 60 tokens.
I saw some gw2 staff said the problem might be caused by clearing the dungeons too quickly……is it a joke or something? my party members finished the dungeons in proper time(40-50 minutes) but me alone finished them too quickly?
btw, since 1 or 2 weeks ago i never got the right rewards (money and exp) in dungeons

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Poeticas.9435


it almost seems like they made the awards differ by the usefulness player has in that one dungeon … Like how much dmg you do or such …

But its just an wild guess.

Don’t Struggle To Live… Its not worth the time!

Slepete / Ranger / Sword/Horn Survivor / Desolation Server /

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Lindetiel.4602


To add up to this topic, I will say that most of the time i get 6s for finishing dungeon in Story Mode. And it doesn’t matter whi one – CM, Twilight Arbor, Arah… while my friends got EVERY TIME 26s. It’s a bit sad when you think about how much money I got for doing story modes… -.-

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Jasper.7501


Did Citadel of Flame 3 times, all 3 different paths.

I got 15, 6 and 6, total 27 Carvings.

Please fix this ASAP


Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Sharandyr.3452


Did Citadel of flames first time ever and got 10 tokens and 6,5 silver, and HotW after that also for the first time, got 6 tokens and 2,6 silver. Other party members received more or less correct rewards(45-60 tokens for first run)

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Migo.2915


Did AC today with some friends 2 runs with diffrent parths,
first run i and one ells get 45 tears and rest 60 tears, second run i get 30 tears and rest 60 tears….

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Wolfric.4178


the amount of dungeon tokens u get is completely broke random people get 60 while others get 15 regardless of how many times they did it previous or if it was 1st run of day … i done 2 diff runs today 1st time in both and i got 30 TOTAL whereas my m8 got 120 … and others got 40 or i think 1 guy even said 55 … any reason behind this ?

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Kitten.8051


Yes, dungeon rewards have been same as me, never higher than 13 silver no matter what and sometimes 2 silver (first run) even now after today’s patch.

Tried TA just now first time today and post patch and got 13 silver 88k xp and 30 tokens – BUT I discovered another massive bug with it shortly after this.

I was screenshotting the diminished reward and about to report it but whilst I was doing this a team member left. Whether they left the instance or party I don’t know, all I know is this KICKED ME OUT of Twilight Arbor, before I had accepted the reward of 13 silver, 88k XP and 30 tokens.

So after the loading screen, my character is stood back outside of TA and the unclaimed reward pops up. BUT its not the same. It has NO money, NO experience and 1 deadly bloom. Yes, just one token.

I thought maybe the reward screen had bugged since it had to reload due to me being kicked out of TA, but no, when accepted I did just have the 1 deadly bloom with no cash or xp.

If I wasn’t laughing so much at the irony of it all I would be crying right now.


Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Salfos.4091


Same here just did TA path 1 and 2 and got 15 total blooms out of it. Everyone else got 60, so im wondering if they didn’t reset everyones first dungeon with patch. But I don’t want the missing blooms I would like it to be fix for the next time I run. Please and Thank you.

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Booler.6598


For me it worked perfectly.
TA explore me= 60 blooms
party members 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 = 60 blooms
im not trying to suggest anything but are you 100% sure in the past 24 hours you hadn’t done any of those dungeons to affect your rewards , because it is a 24 hours timer.

Always in all ways

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Coredusk.3156


I didn’t do ascalonian catacombs for weeks, and I received 15 tokens upon completing explorable today.

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: ilostmyaffro.6512


Did 2 chains of AC exp

1st = 45 tokens
2nd = 30 tokens….

Can’t even enter CoF due to bug..


Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Homitu.7216


Same thing as many of the other posters. We ran 2 different wings of explorable TA. The Deadly Bloom breakdown was as follows:

Player 1: 60 + 60 = 120
Player 2: 45 + 30 = 75
Player 3: 45 + 30 = 75
Player 4: 45 + 30 = 75
Player 5: 30 + 15 = 45

I can confirm it was the first dungeon run in at least a 30 hour period for 4 of us. It just didn’t make any sense.

Dungeon Rewards once again...

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Posted by: Wolfric.4178


just a update did a fresh instance that me n my m8 didnt do at all in over 2 days and 3 paths he got 180 ( 60+60+60 )

i got … 36 …. wtf. … (15+15 +6) wtf is this about man im gettin screwed over by 144 tokens

144 tokens in mail and fix issue pls and i wont bother doing any more instance till issue fixed so u dont got 2 keep mailing me different amouts :P

(edited by Wolfric.4178)