Dungeon Skipping, why is nothing being done?
Most of them (especially the ones that will learn you how to for gold) are with using exploits.
Most of these exploits will probably be fixed in near updates.
The ones that sell these paths without using exploits are mostly players that enjoy doing 5-man content alone for a challange. ( you can also see this as some service “pay me and ill give you this dungeon reward”) Which IMO isnt that wrong to have, as long as the dungeons are still challanging with 5-man parties
Keep in mind that teaching/spreading exploits is against the rules and you will eventually get banned for it. Be patient for fixes, and try to just ignore those lfg’s
cool, so long as they are intending on fixing it I don’t mind. If people are doing it properly I have no problems, its just I don’t like this idea of high difficulty end game content being exploitable and thus making is very hard to find a party as anyone wanting to do them just pays to do it instead (i.e. people aren’t getting better)