Dungeon Vendors (Multiple Bugs)

Dungeon Vendors (Multiple Bugs)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Galactimus.1957


The dungeon vendors in the south section of Lion’s Arch have multiple issues that should be addressed:

1. The Caudecus’s Manor vendor allows you to buy Potions of Outlaw Slaying for 1 token. The Twilight Arbor vendor allows to buy Potions of Nightmare Court Slaying for 1 token. This holds true for 7/8 vendors. However, there are no Potions of Ghost Slaying available from the Ascalonian Catacomb vendor.

2. The Crucible of Eternity vendor is selling “Potion of Undead Slaying” for 1 token when they are suppose to be selling “Potion of Inquest Slaying” instead. This vendor also sells “Recipe: Extended Potion of Inquest Slaying” so it doesn’t make sense why they sell Undead Slaying potions. (Side note: The Arah Dungeon vendor currently sells Potions of Undead Slaying as well; which is the correct vendor.)

3. There is an inconsistency with the token cost amounts for the level 80 Exotic equipment pieces from the Ascalonian Catacombs:

All dungeons sell these level 80 exotic armor pieces for the following token amounts:
Head: 180
Gloves: 180
Boots: 180
Shoulders: 210
Legs: 300
Body: 330

However, the token costs for the Ascalonian Catacombs are:
Head: 180
Gloves: 180
Boots: 180
Shoulders: 160
Legs: 240
Body: 260

4. The Ascalonian Catacombs vendor sells “Recipe: Extended Potion of Ghost Slaying” for 400 Ascalonian Tears. However, when you use this recipe on your character it only lets you craft “Extended Potion of Undead Slaying.” It doesn’t give you the option to make “Extended Potion of Ghost Slaying” after using this recipe. (Side note: Undead Slaying Potions do NOT work on the Ghosts and Gravelings in the Ascalonian Catacombs.)

Additional Information:
Ghosts and Gravelings in the Ascalonian Catacombs count as “Ghosts” and not “Undead” however there is currently no way to obtain “Potions of Ghost Slaying.” They are not listed on the Trading Post, they are not sold by the AC vendor (all the other vendors have potions), and they rarely drop in AC itself. So in order to craft these myself I saved up 400 AC tokens for the recipe; which doesn’t even let me craft them.

(edited by Galactimus.1957)

Dungeon Vendors (Multiple Bugs)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DungeonDaughter.7391


Don’t forget the CM vendor who sells 2 minor runes and 1 superior rune, but no major rune.

Also the SE vendor’s light armor is all in the wrong order for the wrong prices.
eg but not limited to: gloves are 330 tokens while the chest is 180

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Dungeon Vendors (Multiple Bugs)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Galactimus.1957


Good catches as well DungeonDaughter. These 8 vendors really need some patchwork done to them.

(edited by Galactimus.1957)