Dungeon problems

Dungeon problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: herboren.4938


In group and unable to enter AC, we all drop group and rejoin we are able to join AC, however we are inside by ourselves, 5 separate dungeons why? Seen another post here with people having this problem.

Dungeon problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rephyx.7526


I have the some problem.
We start a run for Citadel of Flame (CoF).
When 1 enter, many other click on “join on explorable mode” but don’t do anything…
Someone enter, but stay in “separate dungeon”…
So we try in Story mode, but some result, we are unable to enter…

Dungeon problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nirvash.3018


This is really starting to pis me off man. I haven’t gotten a single token from CoF since the patch and the whole instance is buggy as hell. Members from my party crash and can’t re enter the same instance… actually they can’t even enter the instance at all. Srsly do you guys even test out the patch before releasing it?

Dungeon problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nirvash.3018


This is really starting tokitten me off man. I haven’t gotten a single token from CoF since the patch and the whole instance is buggy as hell. Members from my party crash and can’t re enter the same instance actually they can’t even enter the instance at all. Srsly do you guys even test out the patch before releasing it?

Dungeon problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: exchien.8325



Same problem here, COF dungeon entry is bugged.
Tried all the OPs’ suggestion on how to get in. None of them worked.

It has been 3 days….

Dungeon problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fenduru.3165


Same for AC (story and exp) on Yak’s Bend.

Can only enter the instance once… some people report logging out/back in resets this.

This has been bugged like this since BEFORE the patch!

Dungeon problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.3452


everything went to **** when the authentication server screwed up that night a few days ago.. that in it self should be the 1st place they look…. not to mention that me as a guild leader cant even look at upgrades being built or add more or use whats been made…. tisk tisk tisk… seems its time for a break ..

Dungeon problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Capricornus.6157


Server Aurora glade .. Again The same bug what was like 1-2 weeks ago.

When you going five man to instance button ENTER explorer mode is not working its a 1st bug.(you click and nothing happend)

But even if you are lucky and you are INSIDE dungeon , other memmebrs are sended to "alter dungeon and evryone are seperate …

What is going on ? anyone else ?

Dungeon problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fenduru.3165


It would be lovely if we could get any sort of update on this. The old dungeon issue thread is riddled with these problems but being ignored.

This and other threads aren’t being seen.

Dungeons are the thing I like in this game… but I can hardly ever play them the way it is now.

Even people that aren’t having these problems are strongly affected. When a party member gets disconnected and then can’t get back into the dungeon, you’re entire dungeon run is basically wasted.

Dungeon problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lyrio.9431


CM has the same problem, seems a common thing for most or all of the dungeon instances.