Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: Malganys.9027


yeah true.. i take 60 from first day then i redo this and take 15… then i redo!! and take 20 i redo another time and get 6……. redo and 6….. i cant belive all this time wasted for 6 tokens?? why?? and why i get more tokens idk why first 15 then 20… explain or fix it!

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: tellah.8396


Had not done an instance in a week, I do hotw and I get 15 tokens. Then I run it again, doing the same path and I get 2 tokens 2 silver…….. I had the same luck the previous patch with bugged rewards.

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: tellah.8396


Had not done an instance in a week, I do hotw and I get 15 tokens. Then I run it again, doing the same path and I get 2 tokens 2 silver…….. I had the same luck the previous patch with bugged rewards.

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: Cillet.9407


I think a lot of people are recieving deminished rewards. Today I recieved 15 from my first run of the dungeon (previous run was a partial completion about a week ago). I ran it a second time and recieved 2…

I 0_0 Dem Strats

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: Yenwen.2946


just did AC and only got 6 tokens. i have not done this dungeon in weeks.

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: eldavo.6054


Submitted 2 bugs with screenshots re: this. Ran 3 exp modes today and tokens/silver diminished each time:

Run 1: CM Butler – 60 tokens
Run 2: CM Seraph – 45 tokens
Run 3: AC Rumblus – 30 tokens

These are the only dungeons I’ve ran in the last 2 days. As I understand from patch notes, each run should’ve awarded 60, no?

Guardian – Commander – Officer of Rethesis [RE] Tarnished Coast

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: Mikey.7936


Hi there,

I was wondering if you guys are aware that the dungeon reward system doesn’t seem to be working as Intended. I did a dungeon for the first time in 3 days right after the patch and got 30 tokens while everyone else in the group got 60. I taught this was just a once off bug so i went and did a new route in a different dungeon and got 15 tokens while everyone else got 60.

Yesterday i tried again and the same thing happened and i tried again once i got 15 tokens and the next dungeon gave me 6 tokens! :O

Im wondering if you are aware of these bugs and are you guys hoping to get them fixed soon?


Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yenwen.2946


just ran COF and only got 15 tokens while everyone else in the party got 60. have never done this dungeon. i am honestly very mad!. and i will no longer do dungeons till this is fixed! i want my dam tokens! i worked hard and spend a lot of coin on repairs for next to no rewards. not even a gold loot drop.

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: Kitten.8051


The 25th september patch fixed nothing for me, in fact it made it worse cos I get less tokens now than I did before.

I reported this, clearly stating the rewards aren’t working right post patch, and I got a GM reply today.

The GM said the rewards weren’t broken, they had been fixed with the 25th september update and I should read the patch notes.


Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: Lindetiel.4602


Kitten what you just wrote is ridiculous. Not only explorables are broken but story modes too. Yesterday for completing CoF story mode (for the first time) i got 2s60c (each of my friends got 26s). I don’t even want to start doing explorables in this situation.

But yeah it all works pretty well. THe patch fixed it all right….


Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: Rizzy.8293


I got 30 – 20 and 2 tokens for my runs.

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Yes they’re broken, somehow the DR system flagged you for no reason.
Quite a few people are being flagged by it

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yenwen.2946


when will this bug be fixed A-net? i dev post would be nice. its been in since you did the 9/25 patch.

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: Zincton.3951


I ran CoF and got tokens in this order: Magg (30), Magg (5), Rhiannon (6), Magg (10), Rhiannon (15). I WANT THIS FIXED NOW

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: Broodlock.9251


Yup i hear all that and a bag of chip’s.I can’t get more then 20 tokens a run and that’s if i do 1 if i do more it drops no mater what dungeon i do it will give me 15 and even less loot. And you better believe they are gonna give us all them tokens and gold back if they are any kind off upstanding company. which i believe they are. But my faith is hanging on a thread of missing tokens and gold and its about to snap. O and you all owe me 45 beetle tokens, 160 tears and a lil something for my troubles/lost gold. You let all these people get geared up through a bug, then fix it but break it another way. Now honest people trying to catch up cant do it because you will actually start to lose money and waste your time. Post what they owe you because they better start a list.

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

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Posted by: Erzian.5218


Today I did the three different paths in CoF and got 30+15+6 tokens while everyone else got 3x 60 tokens. -> I have 51 tokens while everyone else has 180 tokens.
Yesterday I did CoE (30 tokens) and then arah (15 tokens) and I think a few days before I did only TA (30 tokens). I doubt that any of the runs took less than 30 minutes. In general I get 30 tokens and 13 silver at maximum and I get less every time I do a dungeon (it doesn’t matter if I just do another path or an other dungeon).
I’m pretty sure there is a bug since the update which changed the fix amount of money into a variable one (because – as far as I can remember – I got 13 silver at maximum after that patch instead of 26) and I honestly don’t get why you would change the amount of tokens when the former bug isn’t fixed yet~~
Now the people who suffer from this bug get less money and less tokens instead of just less tokens.
I understand that you want to prevent people from farming only a few bosses/chests but why does it have to be on the expense of the people who are already getting less rewards (silver)? :/

edit: I just got 45 tokens for CoF today – weird stuff.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: iCryptik.1496


I’m having the exact same issue. My friends are getting 60, I get 40. They get 20, I get 15.

Then I ran Catacombs and only received 6 for the first run. Only 6!

I expect to be compensated. Dungeons have been bugged ever since the patch.

Thank you Anet.

Tarnished Coast [TC]

Dungeon rewards are broken [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Raif.9507


I haven’t done a dungeon in a week, just did Ascalonian Catacombs – Ghost Eater path and received 45 comms. And we did it in 1 hour.

This needs to be fixed. I stopped doing dungeons last week when I received the continual DR bug (the one where no matter what path, or how long it was over 30 min, I was still smacked with DR) and just did one since my guildies said it was fixed. Apparently not.

Asharìa March – 80 Elementalist
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall – www.Primedefense.net