Dungeons - I can't be the only one...

Dungeons - I can't be the only one...

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Posted by: MatthewCam.4391


Not sure if there’s a topic on this (definitely has to be) but I skimmed the first page so that’ll do. Just got out of a dungeon train and I want to clear some things up just as a few context givers; the party I run with is experienced and well used to dungeons, we’re speedy and efficient and able to adapt to changes made in the dungeons by Anet but recently things have started getting on my nerves.

Crucible of Eternity; We were running into some lag and had a bit of an issue with the champion destroyer crab and a few things occurred to me, this champion is incredibly broken in two ways, its damage, its collision detection. I know destroyers are made of rock and stone but last I checked that didn’t mean they could walk through walls. We skip this champion because it’s not worth the pay off and honestly I would like to see the developers and testers of this game fighting the most frequently skipped mobs almost perfectly without any do-overs. Did Anet honestly expect us to fight that thing? Cause as far I can see it’s there to grief us and make sure we lose stacks.

Then with the Subject Alpha, I’m sure at one point or another an fgs has been dropped, someone’s been crystalled and then perma-dazed because the crystal is shattered before it appears.

Honor of the Waves; This one is the most recent but possibly the most egregious and lazy oversight I’ve ever seen in a game, the path 1 troll guarding the doors to the first legendary boss has recently been changed to the same one of the AC troll, this is fine by me, toughen a boss up, but holy hell don’t just copy + paste. It drops AC tokens for crying out loud, did anyone test this?

Twilight Arbor; I may get some flak for this but a running joke in our group occurs at the well known and loved pine cone tree in the Up path with the elite and champion mob, they flat out stand there and let you play whak-a-mole for the fights duration. So you’ll remove the spider WP in Arah path 2 but you won’t fix this?

No doubt a wall of text and I’ve tried to keep it mostly unbiased, if someone has an explanation to these changes I’m willing to change my tune. Or if they can direct me to another thread containing the same complaints that would be appreciated.


Sea of Sorrows | Lt Mc Muffin
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.

(edited by MatthewCam.4391)

Dungeons - I can't be the only one...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Clyan.1593


God, what am i lucky to have every dungeon behind me for that achievement, especially the TA up endboss is a dark nightmare i never want to play again. Though there are some players who claim it’s not a big problem at all – for me this beast is just a sick broken devil, still haunting me in sleep.
Team up with some experienced players if you want to get the achievment, but don’t expect to make it randomly with pugs.

“Bagh Nakh! Bagh Nakh!”
– Dark Lord of Moshpoipoi

Dungeons - I can't be the only one...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tigerlily.3765


I notice the destroyer crab in CoE p3 glitching through walls and jumpin around today. We usually kill it, but skipped because of this.

The troll bug has been reported here and on the dungeons forum, but no response.

Dungeons - I can't be the only one...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewCam.4391


God, what am i lucky to have every dungeon behind me for that achievement, especially the TA up endboss is a dark nightmare i never want to play again. Though there are some players who claim it’s not a big problem at all – for me this beast is just a sick broken devil, still haunting me in sleep.
Team up with some experienced players if you want to get the achievment, but don’t expect to make it randomly with pugs.

I think you may have skipped or misread my post, I’m not complaining about the TA end boss at all, I have a group of regulars who I run with and acquired my DM title long ago (when Forward-Up was a required path which Anet seemed to have broken so badly they removed altogether) I’m saying there’s a well-known bug right before the last boss which allows you to make a cake walk out of the elite and champion mobs.

Sea of Sorrows | Lt Mc Muffin
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.

Dungeons - I can't be the only one...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadey Dancer.2907

Shadey Dancer.2907

HotW Troll P1—cant cleanse fear for some reason—kinda funny tho.

Dungeons - I can't be the only one...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: soulartistrb.7509


HotW Troll P1-Aegis doesn’t work against his attack, any of them. Where as the AC Troll they work. My guild mates and I discovered this, granted after wiping a few times we finally beat him despite the Aegis bug. The buff would still be on and the shield on my focus would still be up, yet I’d still take damage. I don’t mind that they made him harder but every attack was unblockable and you couldn’t dodge any of it.

Lots of toons and so little time :D

Dungeons - I can't be the only one...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MatthewCam.4391


If you have a mesmer get them to swap out their Warden’s Feedback trait and the warden should body block the trolls auto, did this path again and I think it worked though it was a messy fight so not sure.

Of course this may only work should the warden actually a) attack b) attack the right target, cough Anet cough.

Sea of Sorrows | Lt Mc Muffin
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.