Dunrock Gulch emblems

Dunrock Gulch emblems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jonfranco.8563


The world event to disguise yourself as a Flame Legion soldier and attack the seperetists camp in the Diessa Plateau at the poi Dunrock Gulch is broken. The waves of speratists portion can be completed, but the ability to plant Flame Legion Emblems can not. It does shape change you into a FL but gives no option to select anyting in the camp to “mark” as an emblem.

Dunrock Gulch emblems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: theoriginal.2695


Well.. it seems this bug is still active. U should think it wouldnt take 3 months to fix a bug but seems like it takes time..

Dunrock Gulch emblems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sungrey.6920


I’m assuming this bug is still active. I’ve been searching around this camp for a few hours (joke’s on me, right?) trying to figure out what to do to complete the “0/5 Emblems Planted” but haven’t found anything.