Dwayna epileptic nightmare
Yes, I experienced that as well. It was very annoying and I couldn’t look very long on the screen.
Most annoying bug ever. It hurts my eyes.
Thank you for the video Chiara. I would really hope that they look into this one as it’s not only annoying, but possibly dangerous to players susceptible to photosensitive epilepsy.
Agree absolutely. It’s atrocious and needs to be fixed sooner rather than later.
If this matters at all I am on FA. I don’t know what servers the other posters are on. Still hoping such an issue gets resolved as I simply refuse to do an event that gives headaches via visual bug/glitch.
Dwayna event must have a visual bug as it flashes orange, purple and green that encompasses full screen. I feel bad for anyone sensitive to it. Several of my guildies turned off monitor to not have to see it.
Just what I said when we did it yesterday.. Glad I’m not sensitive to that kind of disco, though it was pretty annoying..
I would post your server, graphics card type, and video settings, it’d likely be the most helpful information for the bug team.
I’ve never experienced it on Kaineng or Sea of Sorrows, I run a Nvidia GeForce GT 240, and I run magic graphics at a fairly high setting (don’t have the exact settings as I’m at work). If you post a screenshot of your graphics settings, I’ll see if I can recreate it.
In the case it might be on your end, have you updated your graphics card driver recently? If you’re not sure what you’re running, open your start menu and click run or type in the search bar “dxdiag”, in the display tab it will give you the name of your video card, as well as the driver version (you should post the video card type from here if you follow my above suggestion for the bug team) and search for a new driver for your specific card to see if that remedies your problem. If you’re not confident you can find it, I’d be happy to look it up and post a link to a manufacturer page where you can download a new version.
It’s not something isolated to me. Everyone that has participated during the event experienced it. It happens every time on FA.
It’s not my settings nor computer (I changed settings to test), and since many many others have experienced it as well I’m sure it’s not my computer either.
PS I have updated drivers
Yea, this never used to happen to me, but since the last patch its been an intermittent problem for me. I’m not even epileptic and it made me nauseous :s
I get this same problem on SoR NA server, my friends all get it too, and they are from all over the world, this is not a local problem, I did report this ingame about a month ago.
A few people, myself included, reported this issue with video over a month ago. Since then, it has stopped happening for me, but it seems it is not fixed after all.
Tarnished Coast
Although it is easy enough to see from the video, a slight clarification might still be useful. This is actually the first event in the chain rather than the final event against the statue.
There seems to be some scaling issue with the effects alone with the usual ‘too much particle effects’ problem. At least one of the things showing up is the effect from Sigil of Fire but it is normally not that big nor that frequent event when you have a lot of people around.