Dye bugs? able to use locked dyes

Dye bugs? able to use locked dyes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: edgarallanpwn.8739


Somehow i was able to glitch some dyes. I have NO CLUE how it happened, but i was looking through locked dyes on my character tab for a better orange for my theme, and i was browsing through molten, butter, pyre etc.

This is showing OUTSIDE of the character dye tab, outside of the preview window.

Somehow its letting me use the pyre dye, even though I have not purchased it. It does not show the lock icon, but ONLY on 2 of my armor pieces, and only a single dye channel.

It is the bottom left dye channel, on both my Baelfire chest and legs, with carapace chest and legs re skinned over them.

I mean i’m glad to save the 160g or w/e on the pyre dye, but i dont think this is how its supposed to work lol

I confirmed with another player the pyre dye was showing to him as well.


Screenshot of the dye bug and our conversation

I logged out and back in and the color stayed

Dye bugs? able to use locked dyes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Are you sure it is you applying the dye in question? Because when I have tried to apply locked dyes, my armor seems to go to the default color of that armor. The default of Carapace armor in some dye channels is a brilliant gold. Maybe that’s what’s happening?

Dye bugs? able to use locked dyes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


What Inculpatus said. If you choose the Remove Dye option on a dyed Heavy Carapace Chest armor, the default colors will be Umber, Cinder, (stupid forum) Pyre, and Mint; the same is true for the legs of that set. That doesn’t mean you have the dye unlocked or can dye other pieces that color, though.

(edited by RoseofGilead.8907)

Dye bugs? able to use locked dyes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: edgarallanpwn.8739


OH kitten i didnt even realize that.. when it can’t apply colors, it just applied my last used color, not the base one.

Thats why i didnt think of that.

Welll… THAT WORKS OUT.. because i actually want pyre as my color, and i didnt have the gold to spend on it.

Well im glad thats sorted out, thanks for that info! I just confirmed that was the case too

Im so used to changing skins and it applying the new colors automatically that didnt even come to mind

(edited by edgarallanpwn.8739)

Dye bugs? able to use locked dyes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


No worries. It’s is kind of odd when you get an armor piece that has pre-set dyes. Not every piece is like that (in fact, the majority doesn’t have any pre-loaded dyes).