Dye problem

Dye problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yan Lan.4731

Yan Lan.4731

I am not entirely sure this should go as a bug, since it is a trivial matter of a dye.

I came up with a perfect look for my thief, collected all necessary armor and then noticed the problem. At first, in daylight it’s just a hint of different shade. But then in shadow the whole thing is much more apparent.

The problem seems to appear only with nightmare court armor in medium version. I checked and light armor is completely fine and colours consistent. All the other cultural seems to be vibrant and intense and celestial in shadow looks the way I expected: white. Whereas celestial on nightmare court armor look dirty grey. In general same dye looks vastly different on those pieces, but with celestial the difference is striking. I am saddened by how it turned out since I absolutely adore the way my thief looks at the moment, I will probably have to change the colours though. The only way to make the differences not noticeable is to go with very dark shadow/midnight dyes. Which I decidedly wanted to avoid. If anyone encountered this or has a solution that might help I would be very grateful. I apologise in advance if my topic does not fit the category.



Dye problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aury.1367


Thats because different armor is made to simulate different light reflections also within the same armor type. Also ambient lighting is important. Go to the style tester where you can change your appearance/gender etc, and use “light off”. You can see how your armor looks like in 2 different light occasions.

Dye problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yan Lan.4731

Yan Lan.4731

Thank you for the response but it provides no solution to the problem. I did played a fair amount with make over kit, trying to find perfect balance, nonetheless the preview I see in there is vastly different than the screenshot I provided. I am aware different armor parts give off different appearance. But this difference seems a bit too much, considering it is possible to make colours look similar, as it is done with light armor (where I run similar choice of attire, with cultural top and nightmare court skirt).

Dye problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: RanQ.4908


I’ve been having the same issue as Yan Lan, at first I thought it had something to do with my gfx settings but it seems not to be the case. This makes it kind of hard to create a set from personal preference as I dont think there is anyway to enable/disable this. Or is there? Imo. it would only be logical to apply the ambient lighting to everything instead of just a few armor sets. Adding some sort of feature like this will surely make alot of players happy.