Dynamic event reward scaling broken?

Dynamic event reward scaling broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Last night I was getting 243 karma and 1 silver 20 copper for events in Wayfarer foothills as a level 80, now I seem to be getting more experience but 146 karma and 72 copper.
But occasionally the rewards go up a little, just did one for 155 karma and 76 copper.

(above written before update at 7:50pm pac)

Post update, no change. Still getting very low rewards for events in lower level areas.


Dynamic event reward scaling broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: XTreme Risk.5973

XTreme Risk.5973

I haven’t logged in for the last 5 or 6 days, but, my daughter logged in tonight because she asked some friends to try the weekend event and I gave in and joined her. Instead of grabbing the lvl 80 and going to WvW AGAIN… I grabbed a lvl 24 Charr and went to finish Wayfarer Foothills. Two different DE’s later I’m noticing a repeat of getting a karma reward in the 60’s for gold participation. Are you serious? Low and mid level areas have absolutely nothing to offer higher lvl chars. and now there isn’t even a karma reward worth them going back near those zones for? So we’re all being ushered into Orr and fighting risen all day long? No thanks.

Dynamic event reward scaling broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Silent Avenger.6928

Silent Avenger.6928

I was surprised by this too. Seems there’s a lot more exp(what real use does a lvl 80 have for exp?) but less karma and coin. I’m friends with mostly altaholics who have lots of lower level characters so I’m frequently in Kessex Hills doing events. Now that this is happening it’s kind of put a divide between my friends and myself. I want to be able to earn my gold and get my karma but also be able help my friends. Now that the karma and coin rewards are even lower there’s almost no point in going back to the lower level maps. Hard enough trying to save up for Tier 3 Cultural armor while helping lower level friends even harder when something like this happens. Anet please fix this or at least give a legitimate reason as to why it was changed because I didn’t read anywhere in the patch notes that said event karma and coin rewards would be reduced for scaled down players.

As proof of evidence the first 2 images show the rewards before this started happening and the last 2 show the rewards you now get for the same events.


Crimson Fatality ~ Mesmer ~ Northern Shiverpeaks

Tainted Phoenix[PHNX] – Mesmer Collective[Mes]

Dynamic event reward scaling broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Obstinate Prime.9758

Obstinate Prime.9758

Aye, they did something to the reward scaling alright. Not sure if it’s a bug though.

Used to be that events had a bottom cap that the rewards never went below relative to your level. Hence a level 80 could get the same rewards for doing a level 2 event as they would doing a level 50 event. Now it looks like they’ve added a bit of diminishing returns depending on how far below the cap the event is. At least it’s still better than the rewards that we would be getting than if we were to be playing closer to the intended level. Might need a bit of tweaking, but it’s at least somewhat understandable.

But as I’ve been telling myself that maybe it’s just going to be this way for the weekend. Lots of people participating in numerous low level events could be detrimental to the economy. I’m sure all the Halloween events going off left and right on top of all of the usual local events probably saw to that.

Time will tell.

Dynamic event reward scaling broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: maaprid.2168


I have been getting zero reward on quite a few events that I have participated in. I have only got a couple gold rewards since the new patch. Mostly none, bronze or silver.

Dynamic event reward scaling broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


I can second this. I’m definitely getting less karma and gold in lower level zones for events, but more XP.

I have to assume this is broken, because more XP for level capped players is worth nothing…

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!