[ENGINEER] Switch kit from a kit

[ENGINEER] Switch kit from a kit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stellazzo.8570


When I switch kit from a kit my Engineer casts the auto-attack of my normal equipped weapon.

Example: " I have 5#Shield in outo-attack, if I swith from a kit to another Kit, my engineer casts 5#Shield… "

This is a BIG penality for all the engineer guys…
Can u fix it?

[ENGINEER] Switch kit from a kit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stellazzo.8570


So? No reply.. Wrong section?

[ENGINEER] Switch kit from a kit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


Err, I don’t think it’s a bug? I’ve noticed it too, mostly with FT. Because you can cast it while moving, it maybe finishes the cast even though you switch kits?


— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

[ENGINEER] Switch kit from a kit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lunacy Solacio.6514

Lunacy Solacio.6514

I have never noticed this, but if I have auto on, it’s always the first skill so maybe that is why. Interesting use of the auto feature to activate on dropping the kit but in this case it is working against you >.<

Maybe it’s caused by how they had the on-swap sigils activate when changing kit.