EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shinjin.2683


I was gaining experience in EoTM at a normal rate expected for my level until I hit 29. I am not getting under 100xp for capturing a keep! Huge bug please fix soon!

Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] – Northern Shiverpeaks

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Shinjin.2683


*Edit sorry I meant I am getting under 100 experience, and if it is above it is barely.

Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] – Northern Shiverpeaks

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Sgloomi.4103


This is happening with my new character, too.

I hit lv29 just as I entered the Black Citadel as part of my levelling process. Thereafter, every POI-discovery and so forth netted 8xp, and zone-completion gave a grand total of 100xp. The experience-bar barely moved.

This of course makes doing anything else with the character pointless, since she’s not going to get any xp for it.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Dote.6143


Just to let you know this is happening to me at level 26. 25 exp for a waypoint, 10 exp for a kill. Yea right…

Just got 70 exp for an event. Please fix this Anet senpai


EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Arcturus Elyssa.8346

Arcturus Elyssa.8346

i levelled my cooking from 1-400 and i went from 29 to 30ish. I initially thought they nerfed crafting exp but after reading this I guess its a glitch instead. what a waste of mats time and gold.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Vietkrabz.5620


i levelled my cooking from 1-400 and i went from 29 to 30ish. I initially thought they nerfed crafting exp but after reading this I guess its a glitch instead. what a waste of mats time and gold.

well i you got levels hahaha in my previous bug post i got 0 levels at 29 from crafting 0-400 jewelcrafting. Are you still craft leveling? i want to play but i do not want to put gold into another profession that will not level me again…….

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Cloud.7613


Same issue for me.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Arcturus Elyssa.8346

Arcturus Elyssa.8346

i levelled my cooking from 1-400 and i went from 29 to 30ish. I initially thought they nerfed crafting exp but after reading this I guess its a glitch instead. what a waste of mats time and gold.

well i you got levels hahaha in my previous bug post i got 0 levels at 29 from crafting 0-400 jewelcrafting. Are you still craft leveling? i want to play but i do not want to put gold into another profession that will not level me again…….

sorry to hear that, thats worse than me D; after i hit 30 the exp gain was much higher for me and i actually saw the chunks of exp again. it did kill my mood to craft though, so i didnt try another crafting profession.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Bogdanus Magnus.8143

Bogdanus Magnus.8143

Hello everyone! My girlfriend and I have the same problem; since the last patch, after reaching level 29, we could not level up normally anymore. I thought it was only related to the myst – as we only went into the myst to level up faster, in order to be able to participate in dungeons with our characters, – but apparently not, so it has to be a general leveling bug . Please ANet, fix it quick, cause it’s getting really annoying to have finally some days off to play Guild Wars 2 and not to be able to do anything interesting because of a level glitch… Thank you for understanding…!

(edited by Bogdanus Magnus.8143)

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Vigilant.4937


Yeah this is crap. Level 29 and 89 experience for a cap in EotM? How the hell does this even get broken? How does this happen? This is a major bust for anet, especially on top of all the other bugs. They should be ashamed.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: szqec.5762


I get 8 exp for killing a doe 5 lvls higher than me.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: rapthorne.7345


same here. I’ve hit 29 and everything has slowed to an absolute crawl. what the hell is going on. I hope this doesn’t take until next week to fix.

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Cloud.7613


Wouldn’t be surprised if this is a new feature.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: FinalMiniboss.3657


Heard about the bug from a guildy. I had just reached level 29 myself. I thought to myself, I’ll just craft my way past it. Doesn’t work at all. This is a serious issue and needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: rapthorne.7345


hope they remedy this soon. I can’t level any of my alts beyond 29 at the moment

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Aku Punksha.1542

Aku Punksha.1542

Just reporting same issue. Are they forcing us to do the L20 story chain maybe?

Those that have ground things out to L30 -does it go back to normal after 30?

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: rapthorne.7345


Just reporting same issue. Are they forcing us to do the L20 story chain maybe?

I did the 20 PS, so that can’t be it

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Sgloomi.4103


The Personal Story is the only thing I’ve found that gives the proper amount of xp at lv29. Luckily for me, I was saving my PS for later, and a couple of instances bumped me up from 29 to 30.

After that, the xp for everything else started behaving normally again.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Havinga.3741


That tip helped me. I was slowly grinding away and getting nowhere. Was about 80% through L29 and gave up on wvw or EotM. One living story jumped me from 80% L29 to 30% L30 and I am free of the grind.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Angel.6085


Thats a releif at least, that it goes back to normal. But I seriously don’t even want to play anymore. I’m only halfway through 29 and Anet easily owes me 6 levels right now from my crafting that I didn’t get anything for, and my AC run I didn’t get anything for :\

Formerly [rB], [OPED], [Choo]
Guild Leader [DN] Digital Nemesis

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Angel.6085


It’s also disgusting to me that I’ve seen 3 posts related to this topic and Anet has not responded to tickets or bug reports. Absolutely ridiculous.

Formerly [rB], [OPED], [Choo]
Guild Leader [DN] Digital Nemesis

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Sokia.3710


It’s also disgusting to me that I’ve seen 3 posts related to this topic and Anet has not responded to tickets or bug reports. Absolutely ridiculous.

Anet? Respond to the players? Aha ha ha ha! That’s a good one.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Telrhim.3104


same bug here! :-(

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Labjax.2465


So I noticed something interesting about this bug: It appears not to apply if you are downleveled.

My character is level 29 and I decided to do some personal story to see how far I could get toward 30, since others have mentioned that PS XP seems normal and it is fixing itself once you get past 29. In the process of doing so, I ended up at the start of Diessa Plateau and ran into an event there. I figured what the hey, I’ll do it, it’s right there. It was part of a heart as well.

So I completed the heart and the event and proceeded to get what seemed like normal XP. I went and tested this further in Wayfarer Foothills after I finished the level 20 PS, to see if it still held true and it got me the rest of the way to level 30.

Long story short: For me, this bug gave kitten XP if I was 1) Upleveled or 2) At my actual level.

Downleveling appears to avoid it. I’ll see if hitting 30 fixes it completely for me, as it has for others.

Edit: Hitting 30 appears to have fixed it for me so far. I tested in EotM and am getting normal-looking XP now.

Or words to that effect.

(edited by Labjax.2465)

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Nutjob.9021


I was hit by this bug while in EoTM. I assumed it meant they had nerfed EoTM experience. My WvW experience in EoTM went up at the normal rate. My PvE xp went up at a snail’s pace. I left EoTM to go to PvE and made some discoveries. Although it is a somewhat slow way to level, world exploration, (specifically discovering waypoints) and completing events appeared to give normal xp and that is the method I used to break through to level 30. Note that you do not get xp for the WP that automatically appears when you use a particular zone entrance for the first time.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: thehate.4289


So I noticed something interesting about this bug: It appears not to apply if you are downleveled.

My character is level 29 and I decided to do some personal story to see how far I could get toward 30, since others have mentioned that PS XP seems normal and it is fixing itself once you get past 29. In the process of doing so, I ended up at the start of Diessa Plateau and ran into an event there. I figured what the hey, I’ll do it, it’s right there. It was part of a heart as well.

So I completed the heart and the event and proceeded to get what seemed like normal XP. I went and tested this further in Wayfarer Foothills after I finished the level 20 PS, to see if it still held true and it got me the rest of the way to level 30.

Long story short: For me, this bug gave kitten XP if I was 1) Upleveled or 2) At my actual level.

Downleveling appears to avoid it. I’ll see if hitting 30 fixes it completely for me, as it has for others.

Edit: Hitting 30 appears to have fixed it for me so far. I tested in EotM and am getting normal-looking XP now.

I wonder if this happens at every 10 levels, i.e. level 29 nerf, level 39 nerf, etc.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arcturus Elyssa.8346

Arcturus Elyssa.8346

So I noticed something interesting about this bug: It appears not to apply if you are downleveled.

My character is level 29 and I decided to do some personal story to see how far I could get toward 30, since others have mentioned that PS XP seems normal and it is fixing itself once you get past 29. In the process of doing so, I ended up at the start of Diessa Plateau and ran into an event there. I figured what the hey, I’ll do it, it’s right there. It was part of a heart as well.

So I completed the heart and the event and proceeded to get what seemed like normal XP. I went and tested this further in Wayfarer Foothills after I finished the level 20 PS, to see if it still held true and it got me the rest of the way to level 30.

Long story short: For me, this bug gave kitten XP if I was 1) Upleveled or 2) At my actual level.

Downleveling appears to avoid it. I’ll see if hitting 30 fixes it completely for me, as it has for others.

Edit: Hitting 30 appears to have fixed it for me so far. I tested in EotM and am getting normal-looking XP now.

I wonder if this happens at every 10 levels, i.e. level 29 nerf, level 39 nerf, etc.

No it doesnt, I’m 51 now and have not slowed down ever since I got past 29.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Cloud.7613


This needs to be fixed :X

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Theragon.6073


It’s true if you go to an area below your level you get normal xp. EotM gave me less than 100xp for each area captured however fighting SB or other world bosses and also completing events under level 29 gained normal xp for me and I leveled from 29 to 30 in much less time than I spent in EotM.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Amon.5042


Had today planned to level up my Ele. Got to lvl 29 and this happens.

It’s awesome to see how well their QA is working.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: MrVandalous.6137


I sent in a support ticket earlier today with this message, so I guess I’ll post it here since it is relevant to this topic:

I am receiving little to no experience for any activities I perform currently. It’s as if I’m being throttled on my experience gain or something.

I noticed it around the time I tried to start up a second craft (artificing), from 1-400 artificing I gained a whole bar of experience in total, which is far from the correct amount. (I’m lvl 29.) This essentially caused me to waste about 13-14 gold on the profession.

Since then, pretty much any activity I’ve performed has given little to no experience. Including events, gathering, and hearts. Nothing seems to give a decent amount of experience.

I’m playing a Human Warrior on Yak’s Bend, exploring Gendarran Fields.

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

sounds like all of you need to go play some pvp and get a tome of knowledge to bypass level 29, but because of this but it would probably only get you like 5% a level

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

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Posted by: Amon.5042


So I went to a down-leveled area with my bugged lvl 29. Did hearts, events, and explored the map. After lvl 30 I went back to EotM and the problem was gone.

Thanks for the tip, Labjax

EXP Drastically reduced when I hit level 29

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GreyWraith.8394


Same problem here – leveling in EotM, everything going fine till I hit 29, then all my XP gains are 2 digit. It’s like everything is being divided by 10 or something.

I bugged it in game shortly after hitting 29. This has become so common since the feature pack that I heard about it repeatedly in map chat before I even hit 29. It’s affecting a lot of people, why isn’t there a hotfix?

The following had reduced XP @29:
leveling in EOTM, both creature kills and point capture (upleveled, obviously)
open world leveling in Metrica (downleveled)
crafting in Rata-Sum

What gave me normal XP:
I jumped the Divinity’s Reach gate to Fields of Ruin (level 30 zone, so playing at my native level – not upleveled or downleveled) and did open world leveling there. Waypoints, POIs, map exploration, events and creature kills all gave normal XP. Mostly I just killed fireflies and raptors just outside the gates.

End of the Dream by Evanescence
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court

(edited by GreyWraith.8394)