Ectoplasm drop rate from salvaging rares
do it with 1000 items then report your finding 2 ecto’s from 20 rares is just rng. dont say its a bug when theres a higher change to lose your money than to gain when you gamble.
P.S. just salvaged 8 rares, got 13 ecto’s
The point of the post was to find out if someone has the similar situation or not. I wrote 20, because I usually end up with about that many rares after doing just a couple of world bosses, not all. I wouldn’t have started the topic, if there were noone else with the same issue, but yeah, there’s always an option, that a couple of us just had exceptional bad luck yesterday. I will check it again today, and thanks for your feedback.
The point of the post was to find out if someone has the similar situation or not.
The “ecto drop rate nerfed in last patch!” is a running gag already in the forum, and is usually met by a “Oh, this thread again! /drink” post.
So no, it’s still RNG.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
The fact you said “like 20 rares” makes me think you’re exaggerating the sample size already. I’ve been tracking ecto salvage rates for a while now, and the rates for last night weren’t outside the normal range even for small samples. That being said:
The maximum deviation I’ve experienced (since I’ve been tracking data) for a sample size of 20 is about 0.67 ectos/salvage, which means I’ve seen rates as low as ~0.23 ectos/salv for such a small sample size. This would yield about 4 ectos over 20 salvages, which isn’t too far from the 2 ectos you supposedly got. I’d say it’s still within the acceptable range.
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated
I dunno, when this came up last year everyone shouted RnG until it came out that it actually was a bug and was later fixed,
I have terrible salvage rates when it comes to ecto, my friends all joke with me saying your luck is so bad, give me your rares and ill salvage them for you, I salvaged 30 rares a few days ago ( just from world events ) and got 4 ecto, this is common for me, so I no longer salvage rares, they either become forge food or sold, none of my friends have this bad rate of return, they are close to the 1:1 ratio maybe just under.
Do I think its a bug, no, do I believe its RnG no, do I believe some accounts are still set with higher rates of return/drop rates than others when created, 100% yes.
Not a bug. Keep in mind “rarer materials” also includes n+1 tier materials, not just ectos. Salvaging level 80 rares means you have a chance at ori and ancient wood as well. Now, I’m not sure it’s been figured out 100% how salvaging chances work, but it’s probably the same as it does with loot; 25% means you’ve got a 1 in 4 chance of ‘rolling’ into the rarer materials category. Whether you get 1, 2, or 3 ectos is another story entirely. It also doesnt mean “salvage 4 rares, guaranteed a rare.”
Also, the conspiracy theory is pretty funny. Especially since, IF true, is still RNG. How else are the accounts chosen? Besides, find proof of it. For all we know, the people reporting crap salvaging success might be using low quality salvage kits and not admitting to it.
Well, first of all, thanks for all the feedbacks, I checked it again today, and now it seems the same for me as before, so getting around 0.9xR ectos, where R is the number of rares I salvaged. So yeah, probably yesterday was just an exceptional bad day for me, but I just felt to rather ask around, since first it seemed an anomaly for me based on previous salvages.