Ele casting skill while dodging in combat

Ele casting skill while dodging in combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nirvanus.1687


Okay this might be a little hard to explain but I’ll do my best. When in combat as an elementalist while dodging and casting a skill during the dodge, coming out of the dodge it doesn’t do the attack. Instead you need to be completely done with the dodge roll before casting which is screwing up my timing. When out of combat it works fine and when i dodge and hit a skill during the dodge it cast the skill right when the roll is over without me having to hit the skill after the dodge roll.

I tired this while in combat with every profession and it seems to be that elementalist are the only ones that this happens to, and every other class is able to cast while dodging. I first noticed this on Thursday when I was dueling in OS and when I should of been using drakes breath or cone of cold I was just standing there like an idiot auto attacking. I’ve been playing ele for a long time so I’m pretty sure I would of noticed this before now.

If needed I could make a video showing this issue.

Klaus The Lad [Tech] – Asura Elementalist
Formerly known as Proxima Nebula

Ele casting skill while dodging in combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nirvanus.1687


ya but seriously one profession out of all them that can’t do something basic is kind of a big deal…I do a lot of precasting during my dodges with drakes breath and cone of cold, which I can’t do now. Also since the dodge has to be 100% over and you cant cast a split second early using skills like burning speed and any other results in having to mash the same button multiple times which screws up timing bad…so yeahhh pls fix that.

Klaus The Lad [Tech] – Asura Elementalist
Formerly known as Proxima Nebula

(edited by nirvanus.1687)

Ele casting skill while dodging in combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FreedomToPlay.4796


Is is a specific skill Klaus, or just any skill? I’m not entirely sure what you mean by precasting during a dodge, from what I’ve tested ele seems to be the same as the other professions with respect to casting a skill after a dodge.

Ele casting skill while dodging in combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nirvanus.1687


Is is a specific skill Klaus, or just any skill? I’m not entirely sure what you mean by precasting during a dodge, from what I’ve tested ele seems to be the same as the other professions with respect to casting a skill after a dodge.

Not casting after dodge, casting while dodging and it’s any skill.

For example go into combat, then dodge, during dodge cast any skill (ride the lighting, drakes breath, burning speed, etc.), and when you come out of the dodge it will not do the skill you hit while dodging. Meanwhile if you do what I listed above with an elementalist outside of combat it will work. Then go on any other class besides ele and go into combat, dodge, use a skill during dodge, and when the dodge is complete it will use the skill right after the dodge unlike with elementalist.

Klaus The Lad [Tech] – Asura Elementalist
Formerly known as Proxima Nebula

Ele casting skill while dodging in combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FreedomToPlay.4796


Ok I see what you mean, although it seems to work for my ele both in and out of combat if I hit the skill mid dodge it will still cast the skill as soon as the dodge is over. It’s weird but I seem to not have this bug.

Ele casting skill while dodging in combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Georgeffz.9146


my asura ele has the problem so might be asura only thing idk

Ele casting skill while dodging in combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nirvanus.1687


Well after this happened to my asura ele i then tried it on my human ele which had the same negative results…BUT then i tried it on my Norn ele (yes i have a lot of eles) who unlike my other two eles who are d/d is a fresh air build, and I didn’t have the problem. From there I figured out it must have something to do with the traits and after some testing I found out the issue was due to EVASIVE ARCANA.

So Evasive arcana is broken and needs to be fixed pleaseeeeeeee

Klaus The Lad [Tech] – Asura Elementalist
Formerly known as Proxima Nebula

Ele casting skill while dodging in combat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FreedomToPlay.4796


Ah that makes sense, I did not have evasive arcana on my ele lol. Well hopefully they fix it soon