Elementalist Bug: Lightning
I literally just posted about this too, lol. But yeah, it’s pretty annoying and although it doesn’t adversely affect gameplay, it’s something that should be fixed in a small patch.
So i figured out how to re-produce this issue. If you are an elementalist, after targeting a foe and performing the number one/auto attack spell, if you tap that button more than once, when the foe is dead, the cast bar will stay full and the animation will keep going. This is annoying in PVP because if you are running from one person, or changing targets, the stream of electricity, after you have disengaged the fight, still shows your location.
Ah. I was going to post about this too. Glad I found an existing post on it already.
There is already a post here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Bug-Arc-Lightning-Elem-stuck-after-cast-finished
But to help our case (I am a scepter/dagger build too and find this really annoying myself), here is a video of it in action!
Also here is another thread about it on a different forum: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/56751-elementalist-air-attunement-bugs/
It also listed another annoying bug. When you switch to the air attunement it ALWAYS (even if auto-attack off) automatically starts casting Arc of Lightning on mobs.
Hopefully this gets corrected soon because it really is annoying lol.
P.S. Did I mention how annoying this is?
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
(edited by DivineBeing.2086)
Signing this, very annoying
I was going to report this bug as well, please fix it ASAP as it is pretty unconfortable to deal with it.