Elementalist bugs and more!

Elementalist bugs and more!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Myristica.4061


Just a back story, My bf and i have been long time guildwars fans. We have beta posters from guild wars1 that were giving out at the game conventions, so we were thrilled when we found out gw2 was coming out. We bought the game asap and entered as many betas as we could. But here are some bugs and minor issues I have experienced.
Elementalist when casting a lightning spell arc lightning, it randomly goes on forever until you cast another spell, even after the target is dead. Usually in the direction of where the target was. This is really annoying especially if you have to cast another spell, because two of my attacks are now on cooldown instead of one. I know it is not just happening to me, because the other day I saw the same thing happen to another elementalist.
In the create character screen in the norn I know for sure, there are colors that are not labled properly. They say a color that they are not.
Theres a questing area in the asura land where there is these evil frog people, sorry cant remember their names The spawn rate is horrible. In horrible I mean very fast fast spawn rate. I’m usually in a party of 3 and we had a hard time killing the frogs to do the things we needed to do. Its the heart that you have to push down the holes and a couple other things. I believe its a heart quest for early to mid 20’s. Killing the frogs does nothing. And the things that do help it are ridiculously slow to make the bar go up.
More different looking armor should be instated for lower levels. I cant count the the times my bf was like “oh cool new armor, oh looks its the same.”
To solve this maybe make armor that’s specific to the class? Like necromancer armor etc. Something that bothered me was the masks for the spell casters. I got this cool demon masque for my necro, but there’s no more that look like that, yes I can use transmuter stones. But, why should I all the masks seem to cater to the elementalist or mesmer. I want my small necromancer to look bad *
In the character creation, I think it would be fun to implement make up, or to make it easier, maybe make it a store item. You can buy a mirror and have special make ups? I love customizing my character so this is something I would definitely buy if it was implemented. For a reasonable price of course.
There are tons of way points, this is great, but I wish there were some mounts in the game. I love the graphics in the game, and I want to explore them. Yes there’s vistas and points of interests. But I role play and I think if there were some mounts using the way point would be less tempting and I would be able to explore and experience all your guy’s hard work more often. I love collecting things and this could be a potential revenue for you. I played WoW for years, as a druid. Whom doesn’t need mounts, because they can turn into animals themselves. that were close to the equivalent as the mounts you can get. But I was a healer druid and I wanted my white dragon darn it. (all my mounts were white, after 50 mounts you got a free white dragon and a achievement)
Anyway. I hope these bugs and suggestions are useful. Thanks for your time. If any players want to comment feel free. Tell me what you think?

(edited by Myristica.4061)

Elementalist bugs and more!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ibiris.8674


I can second the ‘Arc Lightning’ bug described above. This doesn’t occur every time, but frequently continues to ‘zap’ without the casting bar for a considerable time after the death of a foe. I have been able to stop it by pressing ‘1’ again though.
