Elementalist skill lightning flash needs to be fixed or description updated

Elementalist skill lightning flash needs to be fixed or description updated

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fayte.1803


I’m kinda wondering how this skill didn’t have a better description, its extremely vague basically stating “Teleport to the location” which is indicated by the green cursor, anyway it says absolutely nothing about it not working on the slightest elevated terrian, or across small gaps which honestly gives several of the other classes an unfair advantage when traversing the area’s, the either need to have the ability adjusted or at the least have the description updated to something that doesn’t seem like it was pasted on so that people don’t waste their skillpoints on what they thought would be a handy way for them to get around.

Elementalist skill lightning flash needs to be fixed or description updated

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Retsel.3520


Tested, it works fine on elevated surfaces AND across gaps. So…


Elementalist skill lightning flash needs to be fixed or description updated

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fayte.1803


Huh? They must have just fixed it like recently, well thats good then, I tried it last night several times and it wouldn’t work… Well if it works I will post here again

Elementalist skill lightning flash needs to be fixed or description updated

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ramei.2715


I just tried it. It does not jump gaps or inclines.

Elementalist skill lightning flash needs to be fixed or description updated

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fayte.1803


No it doesn’t, so yeah it NEEDS to be fixed..

Elementalist skill lightning flash needs to be fixed or description updated

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Mesmer Blink skill is the same way. It seems to be that it will not teleport to any area that requires any jumping to get to – across gaps, on rocks, etc.

Considering all the things that stop it from actively working, it does seem almost a waste of a skill slot compared to nearly any other ability.

Elementalist skill lightning flash needs to be fixed or description updated

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Retsel.3520


um I use it to span gaps, infact its how i solo’d the jungle troll champion event. If you have seen that event he is standing in an area where you can Flash back and fourth to make him run around and dmg him while he travels. I dunno why it doesn’t work for you but it works fine for me…

Elementalist skill lightning flash needs to be fixed or description updated

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Retsel.3520


Elementalist skill lightning flash needs to be fixed or description updated

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ShadedFlash.2413


This seems to be a common thing with teleport abilities in games. The biggest issue is making sure that the teleport is not exploited to get to places the character is not meant to go without a teleport. I’ve seen the same issues with my Mesmer’s blink and is somewhat inconsistent on when it will or wont work against certain elevations or gaps. I’ve also seen this problem back in the day with mage’s blink in WoW.

I wouldn’t call it so much of a bug as I would say it is probably over-restricting parameters placed on it to make sure it wouldn’t be exploitable.

Elementalist skill lightning flash needs to be fixed or description updated

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sydhart.1397


If it’s design then it is completely ignorant. It adds to the realism of the game imo. I should be able to teleport onto a building in PvP. That’s why other classes have ranged. In real life, soldiers use buildings and the top of buildings in warfare all the time. It’s part of urban combat.

Also though, the skill is useless as it is completely implemented. I’ve verified that it does not work across any normal jumping space, you can’t even teleport down 10 feet onto another platform. You also can’t use it to make difficult normal jumps like on a jumping puzzle.