Endless Halloween Tonic
Same issue, I got two tonics during the halloween event, I’m trying to sell them for months, after seeing the patch note I was like “yay finaly” but I’m still not able to sell them. I hope it will be fixed soon.
I believe there was a topic on this a while back, but lately, I realized on the TP that there are some people selling their tonic (currently 3). However, when I try and sell mine, it doesn’t give me the option to put it on sale? I really want to sell this tonic fast while prices are still high, so I’d like to know if this is a known bug, or for some reason the tonic is soulbound on first use but does not say so?
Any reliable info would help. Thanks.
Quick bump to keep it in mind
They “fixed” this in the last patch, but only for a few people, most still can’t. They’re aware of the issue as people have sent in tickets, but have no ETA on the fix.
I wouldn’t take the high price as indication of what you might get from selling it though unless you get lucky, I’d imagine once it becomes sellable, price may well plummet since the only reason it’s high is through lack of supply due to the bug
I’ve got a guildie in the same situation, desperate to get some gold from it.
Don’t worry. The price may plummet for a while, BUT there are only about 200-300 of them out there to be sold once they fix it. With in a month or 2, it will be up to 150g+ And I want to stop a common rumor: Stacking a fixed Endless Halloween Tonic with a “Broken” one does not fix them! They do not even stack at all
I bought one at 150g to try. Waste of time/money.
GL, and…Please get this fixed ANET!
I am posting thread about this tonic again, because after the patch I should be able to put it on the trading post.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Endless Halloween Tonics from being listed on the Trading Post.
But unfortunately I cannot do this, the only options for this tonics are:
- Use
- Destroy
Other people seem that they received fixed tonics.
I’m surprised to hear that anyone got a fixed tonic – the market data certainly didn’t seem to bear that out.
I am really hoping they’ll get this fixed sooner rather than later. I’ll probably not profit as much as I hope, but I’d really like that money to put towards a few unique weapon projects.
Judging from this thread there are only 30ish people that will be selling. Market shouldn’t drop too much.
Yeah, I have one myself and just now seeing random people placing them on the auction, no more than at least 3 people puts them up, thats about it. Hope they fix this soon. :/
Any further news on a possible fix for this ANet?
Any further news on a possible fix for this ANet?
Hoping we’ll hear something soon – maybe with the next patch/update?
Just for the record, this bug still exists…. We will not forget, it still exist, neither should you
Hope it will be fixed soon
Anyone ever seen someone who could sell it^^?
There is nothing about this tonic in the new patch notes. I has a sad.
Any updates, ANet? This was supposed to be fixed by now.
Yeah…I’ve been waiting since the last big update, holding out hope for a fix to this. Guess we’ll just keep waiting.
Just checked post-February patch, and my tonic is still not sellable.
That’s really dissapointing, you said you are working on it, and then we saw a patch note where you stated that this bug is fixed. Okey, 2 months have passed since I reported this bug, and you still haven’t done anything with this. Now you changed other tonics(potions) that were soulbound, but now they aren’t.
How long do we have to wait?
“Gin Ichimaru.1204
Hello, I cannot sell mine Endless Halloween Tonic. I have no idea why. Cannot see it on Sell section on Trading Post.
2 months ago”
As an update on this issue, we are still working on fixing these tonics. After further investigation, we found out that this is a programming bug, which makes it more complicated to fix than we originally thought (but we are making progress).
Thank you for your patience, everyone!
— Live Response Embed —
I dont think it needs a thread but the Cold, Hard etc tonics that were recently unsoulbound also suffer from this exact same bug.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
As an update on this issue, we are still working on fixing these tonics. After further investigation, we found out that this is a programming bug, which makes it more complicated to fix than we originally thought (but we are making progress).
Thank you for your patience, everyone!
Cheers for the update, much appreciated
As an update on this issue, we are still working on fixing these tonics. After further investigation, we found out that this is a programming bug, which makes it more complicated to fix than we originally thought (but we are making progress).
Thank you for your patience, everyone!
Thanks for the update. I am amongst those who have bugged tonics, and the amount of time this has taken is very frustrating. I really need the money and I’m kind of annoyed that some people are still able to put theirs up while the majority of us aren’t.
Hopefully this will be fixed soon. I’m very glad to see that this hasn’t been forgotten about.
I dont think it needs a thread but the Cold, Hard etc tonics that were recently unsoulbound also suffer from this exact same bug.
They do. I’m cursed with either very good luck, having had both an Endless Halloween Tonic and a Charged Potion drop for me, or very bad luck, in that NEITHER have been sellable!
Any word on if this will (actually) be fixed in the upcoming March 26th patch? I don’t want to get my hopes crushed again.
Unfortunately, we still haven’t been able to identify exactly what’s wrong with these. I realize this is disappointing news, but I wanted to keep everyone updated on this and let you know that we haven’t forgotten about it.
— Live Response Embed —
Disappointing news but at least it’s not forgotten about.
Cheers for the update Jason
Jason, thanks for your work on this, but wouldn’t it be easier to allow the mystic forge to correct this issue with this tonic and other tonics (Hard Potion, Warm Potion etc) by allowing us to ‘replace’ them with a simple mystic forge combination?
Hard Potion + Copper Ore + Jute Scrap + green wood log = fixed hard potion? something like that?
Considering this issue was caused on items stripped of their account bound property this could correct the issue without much development effort.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Unfortunately, we still haven’t been able to identify exactly what’s wrong with these. I realize this is disappointing news, but I wanted to keep everyone updated on this and let you know that we haven’t forgotten about it.
Disappointing, but I’m glad that you’ve been keeping us updated. Thank you! It’s appreciated
Jason, thanks for your work on this, but wouldn’t it be easier to allow the mystic forge to correct this issue with this tonic and other tonics (Hard Potion, Warm Potion etc) by allowing us to ‘replace’ them with a simple mystic forge combination?
Alternatively, would it be acceptable for us to contact support and have them provide us with a version of the item(s) that is indeed sellable, as intended? At this point, we have been waiting for months, and while I realize and appreciate that you all are working to resolve it, the wait has become a bit unrealistic. Many of us have lost opportunities to capitalize on these items on the Trading Post in the meantime.
I like Lirax.8062 idea. It would be much easier to get fixed tonics. We have been waiting 3 months since my first post. How long are we going to wait?
Any updates?
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Keep trying ANet :]
Hello again ANet, I’m here for my monthly request for an update about this bug. There was no response about the potential for getting replacement tonics by contacting support from 20 days ago, so I’d like to reiterate that here:
Alternatively, would it be acceptable for us to contact support and have them provide us with a version of the item(s) that is indeed sellable, as intended? At this point, we have been waiting for months, and while I realize and appreciate that you all are working to resolve it, the wait has become a bit unrealistic. Many of us have lost opportunities to capitalize on these items on the Trading Post in the meantime.
I hope that you can understand the high levels of frustration that those of us plagued with these bugged items feel, given the extremely long “fix” time. I am of the impression that this bug is not a very high priority, which is understandable due to how few of us there probably are out there. However, not providing those of us afflicted by the bug with a workaround is not very understandable at all given the sheer volume of time that has passed.
I would very much appreciate a response or update beyond “we’re working on it”; I think those of us in this thread have been more than patient and polite, and are owed a little better customer service here.
Just wanting to keep this topic active. I’m another who has had an Endless Halloween tonic for the past 5 months which is not sellable. Frustrating that it is a 200g+ item and I’m dirt poor!
Hoping to hear that some progress is being made due to the sheer legnth of time the bug has been a problem.
An update on this would be appreciated. While I’ve been patient and polite about this so far, it’s getting unrealistic. Just because this issue is only a problem for a small group of us doesn’t mean it’s not worth fixing or undeserving of an alternative solution (such as the one Liraz posted).
The most dissapointing thing is that this is the only rare item I have got so far. I have been playing since the start. I have not seen any of pre cursors yet. While friends already looted 4 or 5 and they weren’t playing as long as I do. Mixing all cash in mystic forge just to get pre curosr for legendary… Now I know this is very unreal.
Another patch and this still isn’t fixed?
Another patch and this still isn’t fixed?
ANet, I am going to send you a whole box of kittens if we don’t get an update soon.
I warn you, these are going to be some SERIOUSLY cute and fluffy kittens.
> empty threats
In seriousness, please consider assisting us that have been afflicted with the bug on a case-by-case basis since eradicating the root cause seems to be an impossible task. Four months is too long to wait and I really do expect better from a customer service standpoint.
Bump-de-Bump it’s the endless halloween tonic’s still broken dance!
Don’t forget about us
‘Cause gold is what we lust
we want no more tonic in our slot
some buyer want to transform alot
but oh no, not me
I said no, no, not me
I’m not feelin spidery
Anet please please please
someone take this tonic offa me (for a lil’ bit of money)
*for a lotta bit of money
I give up… Maybe i should just destroy mine? Would gain a slot…
Maybe they know the market for these will skyrocket in September/October and they want us to have even more money then.
i have this bug too if u can fix it for me too it would be great
As of May 11th, I still can’t sell EL Halloween Tonic… I so need the 300g for my Howler XD Please ANet, I’m sitting on a gold mine and would love to sell it to someone who would actually use the tonic instead of it just sitting in my bank.
By the way, I got my tonic before they changed it from “account bound”. Does anyone know if using the tonic bounds it? It only gives me the option to use or destroy and I have used it a couple of times so I’m just wondering.
I would love to get an official answer because I’ve been reading a few threads on this topic in this forum and no one has an answer, only theories and dashed hopes.
Bump-de-Bump it’s the endless halloween tonic’s still broken dance!
Don’t forget about us
‘Cause gold is what we lust
we want no more tonic in our slot
some buyer want to transform alot
but oh no, not me
I said no, no, not me
I’m not feelin spidery
Anet please please please
someone take this tonic offa me (for a lil’ bit of money)
Dude, I love this and it’s so true.
Just hoping to keep this active. Still waiting on a resolution!
Any news on a possible fix in next months patch at all?
Not a clue. But ye. keep this thread live people and maybe we’ll get a dev’s attention for an official report.
For instance (I know this was stated in an earlier message but in case there’s people popping into this new) I really want to know if I used my tonic once BEFORE the update that made it sellable, is it still account bound. I got my tonic before they patched making it sellable and I assume that the ones currently in the TP right now were tonic post the patch that stopped making them from being account bound.
And then there’s the case that I’ve read someone apparently used theirs, didn’t want it and was able to sell it for a nice price. See my confusion?
4 months later… :/
Well, I hope the price doesn’t drop too much once they become tradable.
aaaand still not sellable!
Bump-de-Bump it’s the endless halloween tonic’s still broken dance!
Don’t forget about us
‘Cause gold is what we lust
we want no more tonic in our slot
some buyer want to transform alot
but oh no, not me
I said no, no, not me
I’m not feelin spidery
Anet please please please
someone take this tonic offa me (for a lil’ bit of money)