Endless Loading Screen
Haven’t tried entering any instances but got stuck in an endless loading screen when going to Lake Doric.
Tried closing and restarting the game and ended up at the beginning of Bitterfrost Frontier (the map I was on prior to Lake Doric), stuck in Lake Doric loading screen once more.
I am having the same issue currently, the one character I have been playing that is using all my gear is stuck in a permanent loading screen in Tangled Depths. I can’t play at the moment. A little upsetting as this stuff always decides to happen on my days off.
I am having the same issue with Tangled Depths at an endless loading screen…been busy for a few days and finally get to play and now this! ughhhhhh…..
Unable to load into Stronghold of the Faithful.
Yes. I was able to change instances like 2 mins ago and now I’m stuck again in loading screen trying to access Sparkfly Fen… guess its goodnight for now.
It’s working now! yay!
It’s working now! yay!
Hmm, not for me… same issues as reported in my opening post.
Same here. Trouble getting into LA. After re-trying I get into LA, but then can’t get into Fractals.
Same issue for me, on login. Then when I finally got in it happened while loading the PvP map. Sorry guys
I too, have hit an infinite loading screen. Many of my characters are in Lions Arch for ease of bank etc, and all of them are infinitely loading. Also, a friend was completing Rata Sum, and upon trying to get into the Snaff Memorial Lab, he hit a loading screen as well.
If the screens load for long enough, we get errors saying “server connection timeout. Please wait a few minutes before reloading client”
As of 1 minute ago, same is still happening. Tried getting into LA, RS, and the Super Adventure Box with no luck. Endless loading screen.
I was curious as well since I’ve been sitting at the LA loading screen for 5 minutes now and decided to check forums. Think something is definitely wrong.
Sparkfly Fen and probably any map where a world boss is scheduled to appear I wager are also down or going to be. I must need another 2 year break from this game.
Same issue with me. Trying to complete Hearts and Minds and it’s just sitting in an infinite load screen.