Enemies becoming Invulnerable during combat.
I’ve been seeing this too and it has happened to me on skill point challenges which was frustrating. I was a few hits from killing them and they, for no reason at all, would become invulnerable and regain their health. I did not leave the area when fighting them either.
I’ve noticed this a lot too and it seems to be happening more frequently. One especially annoying one was at a skill challenge – I think it was Plains of Ashford, Lake Adorea where you have to defeat an engineer and its effigy. While attacking the effigy with a melee weapon it would sometimes try to step back away from me but it was up against a wall. This would cause it to become invulnerable and regen its HP then I would have to start again. This happened a few times until I switched to a ranged weapon and stood back, that way he wouldn’t try to get away.
I noticed this a few times too but only when I was playing as a Guardian. I wonder if it’s something Guardian-specific? Maybe if you stay in block/aegis for too long and the enemy can’t hurt you, they think you’re glitching and go invulnerable.
I noticed this a few times too but only when I was playing as a Guardian. I wonder if it’s something Guardian-specific?
Naw it happened to me on my elementalist too.
happened with ELE, WAR and NEC to me.
latest vs. a crab in southsun.
seriously? this game despite all the potential is has is getting more FUBAR every patch.
This happens to me several times every time I play, with each of my 5 toons – more frequent underwater. If I run to the enemy, plant myself there, do not move an inch, then it does not happen, but if I avoid any damage by moving/dodging it’s likely to result in this glitch (by likely i’d guess 5-10%). There is almost 100% chance of this happening if a second mob walks over to engage me when I already have one mob engaged – the second mob gets down to less than 5% health, then goes invuln, walks back to where it started, then comes back to attack again w/ full health. If I let it walk back to me, it will happen over and over.
I’ve seen this several times over the last few days (but forgot to note the first time it occurred).
This happens to me everywhere and its driving me crazy, it usually happens when they’re about to die, I’m low on health and then the one who’s almost dead becomes invulnerable, then I die.
I was good for about 6 hours yesterday until it started happening a lot when using the Guardian underwater spear skills to where I couldn’t use that weapon and had to use the trident skills and stay still just soaking up the damage inflicted so it wouldn’t happen.
Been happening since beta.
Not on this scale, as it has become more common recently that I’ve noticed on my account (not saying it hasn’t) than from my time playing since the Open Beta started.
Noticed this a lot today in Malchor’s Leap, 2 man party, me a guard, partner an Ele, in open terrain, near objects and underwater. And of course the Veteran Risen xyz seems to most like going invulnerable, fortunately I was only downed once.
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too
I have noticed this as well, but I suspect it is working as intended to prevent excessive training of mobs. Unfortunately, as it is currently implemented, the current system seems to trigger their auto retreat/regen a bit too often/quickly to the point of making underwater combat against risen putrifiers in Orr nearly impossible while soloing (dependent on whether you have included stability in you build or not of course).
I’m not sure if the issue was fixed or not, but after starting a Mesmer character and getting them to level 35 I’ve only encountered the issue twice the entire time unlike with the guardian once every 15 mins or so. I do notice however when attacking from a uneven surface where an enemy can’t reach it no longer shows invulnerable, but the damage ticks off and they have super fast regen to nullify the damage.
Not yet mentioned, but I’ve seen all the skritt and ventari from presents go invulnerable briefly (the span of a couple typical auto-attacks) before becoming vulnerable again. This happens almost every time, teaching me to wait on any big attacks until after the round of invulnerability shows up and fades. In general, though, this is a fundamental bug, along with ranged attacks being obstructed by nothing (visible) and ranged attacks being declared out of range when clearly not. Combat engine integrity is critical to a fun experience, and I sincerely hope this is one of ANet’s top tier jobs right now due to its pervasive nature and flat out frustration-inducing annoyance.
This is a long-standing bug that has existed since before the game was released. Best guess is that it’s a poorly thought out and implemented mechanism designed to prevent players from “exploiting” inherent flaws in AI pathfinding/targeting logic.
In other words, it triggers when the AI “decides” that it cannot obtain LOS on the player… Unfortunately it would appear that the programmers set the tolerance limits far too loosely so it triggers in circumstances where the player has clear LOS but the AI thinks it’s playing peek-a-boo :P
It is one of the more irritating bugs in the game and responsible for countless needless player deaths/repair bills+wp costs.
Please Fix. Thank You.
Been happening since beta.
yes it has, but it keeps getting more prominent. this has destroyed underwater content for me (it happens every single time), and is now creeping onto land as well. For a while there I could swim up to a mob, engage them at their original location, never move an inch, never dodge any damage, and be able to kill them without this bug – now doing this has no effect – they still go invuln, get back to 100% health, and then attack again. If I could avoid underwater combat completely, it might be ok, but that’s not possible, and now it’s happening on land too.
this existed under water quite a bit after the last patch especially. Now i have noticed it on land a great deal. It has affected my farming.
This annoying bug drives me crazy. Even as I am dps’ing the Giant in the Town of Naggeling his health bar resets.
There should be no invulnerability at all appearing because you happen to be strategically placed for attack. ANET FIX THIS!
Been happening since beta.
yes, but getting more and more frequent, and happening much more frequently on land (used to be common only underwater). I think since we have zero formal guidance, we may as well treat this as “working as intended” rather than a bug. I used to avoid underwater combat unless it was essential for story line – not sure how to avoid underwater AND above water “invulnerable”…
I’ve not seen any dev respond to this issue. Has anyone else seen where Anet has responded to it?
I haven’t seen any response to it, but I think they may be working on it as I haven’t seen the word “Invulnerable” anymore, but some enemies seem to still go out of combat a bit too quickly.
This is happening to me right now in an instance, where im meant to take control of any area. Guess what? Invulnerable Charr renegade disagrees.
I’ve noticed quite a lot of the time mobs step close to walls and the game engine suddenly decides they’re ‘out of bounds’ or something and resets them. Sometimes feels as if the actual boundaries used by the game engine on these walls are some distance away from the visual part that we go on.
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.
I thought it was just me because i encounter this all the time with my elementalist and it makes it impossible to play alone against a champion in my story line. Arena net please fix this! Ive got the champion spider down to nearly nothing twice and he runs and regains full health. It doesnt matter what i use against it.
I get that “invulnerable” message at times when my pet(ranger) runs back and forth in front of my target.