Engineer Bug: Cleansing Burst

Engineer Bug: Cleansing Burst

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Control.8154


Cleansing Burst sometimes doesn’t work after rally or whenever you use it regularly. When it does work, it is really really delayed.

Engineer Bug: Cleansing Burst

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: That Guy.5704

That Guy.5704

Cleansing Burst sometimes doesn’t work after rally or whenever you use it regularly. When it does work, it is really really delayed.

the delay on cleansing burst is about 3 seconds, sort of a cast time the turret must take. overcharging immediately after dropping the turret negates this delay.

Engineer Bug: Cleansing Burst

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Control.8154


No like, legit, you sometimes can’t overcharge after dropping the turret. Go to TA dungeon, let the blossoms down you and then rally off of them and spam the heck out of Healing Turret as you rally.. you won’t be able to use Cleansing Burst right after you drop your healing turret every now and then. GW2 sometimes doesn’t think you’re spamming #6 skill. Try it multiple times. It’s unreliable.

Happened after most recent patch.

Uploading the bug as we speak. Legit.

(edited by Control.8154)

Engineer Bug: Cleansing Burst

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Control.8154



:15s – GW2 normally detects I’m pressing 6

:39s – GW2 does not detect I’m pressing 6 to overcharge my healing turret (watch my overlay, stops being detected after healing turret is deployed).

Also, if you look closely, GW2 wants to execute the cleansing burst command because you can see the cleansing burst icon animation activate (depressed) but for some reason GW2 cancels it at :39s

Please fix this. I can’t heal myself, nor my teammates in the line of extreme and intense battle.

I can also use my keyboard overlay + webcam to capture myself pressing 6 if needed.

(edited by Control.8154)