Engineer Flamethrower Bugged to Death

Engineer Flamethrower Bugged to Death

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Leothen.7421


These bugs have gone unfixed for way too long. Deadly Mixture trait and Juggernaut trait are both bugged for the flamethrower!

Deadly Mixture : Deal 15% extra damage with a flamethrower or elixir gun.

Instead it deals 15% LESS damage when spec’d.

And Juggernaut is supposed to give 200 toughness when wielding a flamethrower which it does not.

My question is, how long has this gone on for? Could this be why I never see any engineers using flamethrower builds.

Wouldn’t the world be better if they fixed this and we can wield our flaming guns like were out of a lethal weapon movie?

Please ANet, please.

Engineer Flamethrower Bugged to Death

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


I tested the Engie flamer today.

Deadly Mixture sure does work. I tested on Corrupt Ice Formations as they cannot be critically hit and do not accumulate Bloodlust (which I have equipped on my weapons).

Without Deadly Mixture, I was hitting for 2490, with it I was hitting for 2910 with a single burst.

Juggernaut however is indeed bugged and does not grant toughness in the stats table.