Engineer Kits dont "carry" Sigill.

Engineer Kits dont "carry" Sigill.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Donkalleone.2073


The Engineer Weapon Kits don’t have sigill on them and don’t carry them over from the initial weapon(set) and i think thats a heavy disadvantage for that play-style (for example no “stacks”) .
Does have a answer for that?

Engineer Kits dont "carry" Sigill.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elliph.5961


Yes, I would like this to be fixed also. I’m not sure if it is considered a “bug” or if someone meant for it to happen, but it is a serious disadvantage of being an engineer who wants to go with a weapon set. I like using grenades and flamethrowers and I would like to have a stacking sigil, so why can’t I? Is any kind of area-of-effect damage only allowed to elementalists with a stack?
I’ve been wanting to switch to a superior sigil of luck, however it seems pointless if it means I am stuck with using only the basic rifle skills. Please take this into consideration.

Engineer Kits dont "carry" Sigill.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


When holding a bundle – whether through an environmental object or an engineer kit – you lose all the stats of your currently-equipped weapons, not just the sigil effects.

Even though most of the kits seem to output more damage than regular weapons, I can’t comment as to how big (if any) the difference is at level 80 with exotic weapons, considering all the stat points you will be losing (~435, depending on the exact weapon) plus the effects of 1 or 2 sigils.