Engineer Mortar - Multiple problems

Engineer Mortar - Multiple problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LazerusKI.7485


So i love the Mortar, but i have noticed multiple problems, some of them are breaking the use of the skill.

Problem 1:
The Mortar doesnt scale with its User. No Condition, critical or power increase.
Also the traits will not affect it (incendiary powder for example).
Because of this, the mortar is very weak compared to the regular engineer-grenades.
One Mortar bullet is hitting for ~900, sounds good, but my grenades with traits are hitting for 500 each, 3 times (55% crit chance). Also the range from regular grenades is higher (with trait), because “elite supplies” does not work.
A small scaling would be nice.

Problem 2:
Animation problem.
Sometimes if you use your mortar skills, they will “stuck”.
The bullet does not fly out of the mortar. if you press your next skill then, it will “release” the previous bullet too. I think this is a problam with animation- and cooldown time. If this happens while using skill 5 (multiple knochkack bullets), it is possible that your next shot fires two bullets (the normal and one knockback)

Problem 3:
No Ownership. If someone else is using your mortar, it is gone for you.
there is no way to kick them out of your gear like it is possible in WvW siege weapons.
Also this is a problem with the Asura battlesuit too.

Engineer Mortar - Multiple problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pamkhat.2985


Problem 3: No Ownership.

I can’t stress enough how big a problem this is. It occurs with banners as well, but when a mortar is lost you’ve wasted an elite and you’re not getting to play your class. That’s unacceptable.

There are malicious folks who will take the mortar and just sit on it until it disappears. They won’t even use it either. This is similar to a person who picks up a banner and speeds out of the area with it.

My husband’s main is an engineer. He doesn’t care if I use it, but I don’t because he loves it. He wants to use it; that’s why he spent 30 points on it. HE wants to use; he wants to support those around him with it. He pops the elite in order to use it himself. Tonight, he got knocked off so he plopped another turret down before he jumped back on his mortar. Sure enough someone managed to use that 1 second to get on the mortar.

That is unacceptable. I mean, someone doesn’t get to knock me off of my Tome of Courage book and use my heals as a guardian. Someone doesn’t get to magically take over my Snow Leopard form and leave me scratching my head. Someone doesn’t get to use my character to become a Juggernaut…

Why should an engineer lose the mortar he wants to use? Why should a warrior lose the banner he wants to use? Those abilities belong to those characters; other players should ABSOLUTELY NOT be able to take that away from them.

the MMO Examiner

Engineer Mortar - Multiple problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dragoon.9536


theres two problem i have with this skill

1 It short teh range is short and the duration of the skill is shorter then the CD halfway is.

2 ITs slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww in the firing rate Im like kitten is this i got to use it in defense mode of Keeps tower and supply …… It fires im dead in two sec flat during that two 2 sec it still in the air for such a short range. Oh and Mortar was real time use was high range using air time to plummet with explosion THIS IS THE BIGGEST JOKE OF A 30 point system hell the supply crate is more useful then this pic of crap and the exlixir X is more rewarding then this.

THe only time when this skill is even remotely useful is against horde of zombies that move slow in large pack even then underwater grenades does like THis mortar withAA and range of explosion in half a sec THis takes 2 sec to fire to deploy any thing. Just halves the damg and give us spammable .5 sec of damg i mean comon we are stationary
STATIONARY oh and arena net FIRE who ever design this weapon It reallykitten /p>

Engineer Mortar - Multiple problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Problem 3: No Ownership.

[…]Why should an engineer lose the mortar he wants to use? Why should a warrior lose the banner he wants to use? Those abilities belong to those characters; other players should ABSOLUTELY NOT be able to take that away from them.

Maybe because : (pick which ever you want)

  • It’s a team game ?
  • Engies have better things to do than being stationary ?
  • You are always playing with kittens that do not use it PROPERLY ?

and much more, but i honestly think that giving my mortar to some1 else is not a problem in itself.

The real problem of the mortar is, except all the bugs, that is not really designed to be effective as it is a stationary “weapon”. look at your tomes, you can move with them, look at banners you can move with them, etc. While in the mortar you are just a Meatball waiting for his butcher …

Engineer Mortar - Multiple problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LazerusKI.7485


its a team game, yes, but if you want to use YOUR OWN skill, you should be able to do so. you can kick other players out of your siege weapons too, why not mortar/battlesuit?

damage and firerate of the mortar are not the problem, the problem is the missing trait and stat system. with elite supplies you would get a weapon with the highest range ingame (i think), so the damage is fine with 1000 AoE. also the air time is fine, it is a defensive/support weapon, if you want to rush into your enemy, you should use your crate.
even incendiary powder is not a must have, but if your stats would work correctly while using the mortar, it would be a good fix. as i said i have 55% crit-chance, but while im using the mortar it is 0% i think (i have never seen a crit with it).
also power and condition damage should work with it, thats why we have points in it.

for example:
scaled down to 39.
grenade 50% crit, 150 normal, 300dmg crit. for 3 grenades.
mortar 0% crit 500dmg

grenade: 34
mortar: 22

it seems that the condition time works correctly, but im not sure if the con.dmg works correctly

(edited by LazerusKI.7485)