Engineer bugs

Engineer bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Arcano.3214


I have been playing my engi since release all the way to 80, and I have seen a few bugs that should have been addressed already, but in case you dont have them listed here they are:

1. Weapon kits auto-attack is disabled, every time I switch to my flamethrower I have to manually enable it.
2. not getting any bonus from weapon stats while having a kit equipped. if intended so i guess weapons are just useless for us? we are at a huge loss in stats here compared to other classes.
3. sigils in weapons are not giving the bonus or procs they have, again if intended we are at a loss here.
4. Flame Blast will get “obstructed” almost every time if used in a target you just blew away with Air Blast, the idea of our combo is to blow them away then hit flame blast while they are at range for the explosion. I have tested it in different places it fails no matter my position. I know that there is absolutely nothing in the way since its an empty field.
5. Stability from the juggernaut perk seems to be broken, even though it says I cannot be cripple, chilled, knocked bacl, pushed, or launched. I’m still getting crippled, I see my character moving slower than usual and the animation for your crippled character.

the first two bugs must be fixed as soon as possible as they are the most annoying.