Engineer needs some work

Engineer needs some work

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Posted by: Darthtaco.7324


Ok wasn’t sure if this was a bug or intended. The Auto attack is disabled for all engi kits which i understand for some but others need it. Also the sigils that give buffs or do bleeds or stuff like that when you switch to a kit don’t work. Is that intended…. Honestly engi needs a bit of work imo. the fact that i only really get 2 utility skills b/c i have to pick up a kit where most other classes get it for free and still use 3 utility is a bit hindering to me. I have to chose between a defenisve cd elixer or a burst elixer…. which i need both but can only chose one.

Also i forgot to add a question… Does the Juggernaut talent for engi flamethrower have an icd? b/c it doesn’t seem to work every time and or is it just a bug? It seems is i switch too fast back and forth it won’t come back up….

(edited by Darthtaco.7324)

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Voxnor.1657


I am not sure I understand – could you clarify the bug you think you are encountering?

Not to be rude – but it sounds more like you are just complaining about the Engineer profession – which is not the intended purpose of these forums.

“Judge of a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” – Voltaire

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eaglescream.8316


I’m going to try and help a bit here as op made some very good points but might be not as clear as they could:
1. all tool kits that can have a 1st auto attack skill should have it enabled, such as flamethrower or elixir gun, or tool kit

2. flame blast skill from flamethrower is either bugged or ridiculuosly hard to use as it almost always fails and says obscured even when the target is clearly not

3 ( this isn’t a engy specific bug but it kinda always shows up and is annoying) some skills that don’t really have a cast time can be easily interrupted by just moving or jumping which is annoying to say the least when you waste a cooldown- this may be intended however so i can’t say for sure :P

Also not a bug more of a request, since the elementalist can “dodge” falling damage by using the ride the lightning skill form the daggers Rocket boots should do the same

Hope it helped
[edit] Also i don’t know if it’s intended or not but shouldn’t weapon sigils that add a buff per kill such as +5 condition per kill or whatever, work on weapon kits as well?

(edited by Eaglescream.8316)

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darthtaco.7324


No I’m not just asking if it is intended or a bug that the auto attack doesn’t work on elixer gun and flamethrower it has to be manually enabled every time u switch to it.

Also about the weapon switch sigils not proccing off of switches back to main weapon. Is it intended or a bug.

And lastly does Juggernaut talent have an icd or is it bugged. Have had several times when i switched to flamethrower that it wouldn’t come up.

Sry there was a bit of rambling in my post.

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Darthtaco.7324


I’m going to try and help a bit here as op made some very good points but might be not as clear as they could:
1. all tool kits that can have a 1st auto attack skill should have it enabled, such as flamethrower or elixir gun, or tool kit

With the Kits I was just trying to say they are a bit limiting. We can’t take advantage of sigils with them and they take up a utility skill. but that’s just me rambling lol.

2. flame blast skill from flamethrower is either bugged or ridiculuosly hard to use as it almost always fails and says obscured even when the target is clearly not

3 ( this isn’t a engy specific bug but it kinda always shows up and is annoying) some skills that don’t really have a cast time can be easily interrupted by just moving or jumping which is annoying to say the least when you waste a cooldown- this may be intended however so i can’t say for sure :P

Also not a bug more of a request, since the elementalist can “dodge” falling damage by using the ride the lightning skill form the daggers Rocket boots should do the same

Hope it helped
[edit] Also i don’t know if it’s intended or not but shouldn’t weapon sigils that add a buff per kill such as +5 condition per kill or whatever, work on weapon kits as well?

That last part is a good point. I didn’t think about that.

Also with Flame Blast It does work the range is kinda annoying getting it down for max dmg. Also Never us it near a wall it will just vanish or shooting down at something.

(edited by Darthtaco.7324)

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


I’m going to try and help a bit here as op made some very good points but might be not as clear as they could:
1. all tool kits that can have a 1st auto attack skill should have it enabled, such as flamethrower or elixir gun, or tool kit

Yeah I do find this to be annoying.

2. flame blast skill from flamethrower is either bugged or ridiculuosly hard to use as it almost always fails and says obscured even when the target is clearly not

Flame blast works . it took me a bit to get down and now I am a killer with it. You have to be at range about 500-600, to usE it otherwise it just seems to fly through the enemy you are fighting. So think of it as having a minimum range. Now is that correct I do not know. And as stated in another post if you fire it at wall, the wall will suck it up.

3 ( this isn’t a engy specific bug but it kinda always shows up and is annoying) some skills that don’t really have a cast time can be easily interrupted by just moving or jumping which is annoying to say the least when you waste a cooldown- this may be intended however so i can’t say for sure :P

Also not a bug more of a request, since the elementalist can “dodge” falling damage by using the ride the lightning skill form the daggers Rocket boots should do the same

[edit] Also i don’t know if it’s intended or not but shouldn’t weapon sigils that add a buff per kill such as +5 condition per kill or whatever, work on weapon kits as well?

Nice requests.

Not sure if this is a bug but it seems as one. In WvW flame jet from the flame thrower can shoot through the gates and he players on the other side. You can use this to prevent players from setting up battering rams and such.

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Manu.1340


Is not just the sigils that do not work on kits, the stats from your weapon do not count when you equip a kit. This is really easy to test, just check the stats of your weapon and check the character stats on the Hero window, then equip a kit and check the stats again, the values from the weapon are not counted when you have a kit equipped.

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Grilo.5640


I’d just like to reinforce that I expect engineer kits’ auto cast choice should be saved when you switch back and forth. It can be very annoying.

About the kits taking up a utility slot, I don’t see any problem, seeing we get an extra ability at the profession bar for each skill.

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roflosasurus.5749


I didn’t read all of the above so maybe I’ll list bugs that were already mentioned above.

1-auto attack disabled for all kits
2-flamethrower auto attack seams to behave like a melee attack, sometime allowing you to attack throug walls and have an odd cone of fire(too large at the end)
3-rocket turret underwater can’t be destroyed using its F key
4-(this one isnt much of a bug but its still an overpowered feature) before a fight you can switch any skill and use its F key without triggering its cooldown, usefull to buff before a fight
5-med kit skill always drop in front of the engineer, means you pick the switfness buff automaticly. Maybe add a 1sec delay to be able to pick them up so we can drop them for our team running behind us.
6-bomb kit is overpower against any melee mob because if you run in circle they will be unable to hit you because of their poor AI. easy farming
7-turrets pick target at random around them even if the mob wasnt in combat with you or anyone
8-my friend who plays an ele complain about his elite tornado skill not working underwater when engi’s does. maybe fix it for ele or shut him up, both solutions work for me.
9-the rifle’s rocket jump allows you to reach unaccessible place that sometimes lead under the map.
10-traits the reduce elixir cooldown doesn’s work with F keys skills
11-the flamethrower auto-attack can shoot through gates in WvW, maybe its a feature after all, in that case, thank you ArenaNet.
12-the pistol static shot sometimes bounce on dead bodies
13-(this one is more request than a bug) make it so we can have an auto-attack with the grenade kit, i dont really like button mashing
14-magnet skill on tool kit is way too short
15-dodge rolling in the hitbox of an enemy will allow you to use slick shoes knockdown most of the time
16-elixir C F-key skill will give a boon even if you or your allies don’t have a condition
17-you can cancel the tornado elite skill by moving but not the juggernaut
18-equiping a kit removes all your weapon bonus
19-I strongly doubt slick shoes F skill (super speed) gives you double movement speed, it feels like swiftness to me
20-a lot of traits give no usefull information (Bombs and mices have larger explosion radius) would be fun to know how big
21-my charr is secretly a transexual
I think I’ve listed pretty much all the flaws of engi I seen. But I’m sure there is more.

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Varnion.9736


I totally agree with everything Roflosasurus said above.
They really are just small fixes that would make the lives of every engineer that much easier!

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Roflosasurus.5749


Also i don’t know if it’s intended or not but shouldn’t weapon sigils that add a buff per kill such as +5 condition per kill or whatever, work on weapon kits as well?

yeah, kits should inherit our weapon’s stats and sigil

Engineer needs some work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moderator.3406


The PHP sub-forum is not for providing feedback or suggestions to the team and feature requests. It is for players to ask questions of other players and to get help with those questions. This topic will be locked. Thank you.