Engineer stationary object bug

Engineer stationary object bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghos.1326


I’m Ghosx on the server Sanctum of Rall, and I have noticed a bug that i feel should be addressed in a future (hopefully sooner than later!) patch. This bug has to do with most of our weapons and weapon kits not being able to hit stationary objects. This mostly pertains, but is not limited, to the graveling burrows in AC (Ascalon Catacombs). Regardless of how close you were to get with a rifle, a pistol, or any other weapon kit BESIDES grenades, your attacks either miss, or are “out of range” from the object. this also pertains, but is not limited to, the gargoyle heads in the said dungeon, volatile blooms in the Twilight Arbor dungeon, and other stationary objects/killable objects in other dungeons and around the field. Not sure if any actual monsters have the same effect on these weapon sets, I can honesly not recall at this moment, however if anything else comes up, I’ll be sure to let you know.

Engineer stationary object bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mouth.9860



-The Great Misdirect