(edited by quBit.6437)
Engy bugs 23/6/15
- Grenadier Adept Trait (Explosives) adds +1 Grenade to [Grenade Barrage] Tool Belt skill and increases the range from 900 to 1500.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Thanks for the information – noted these!
Explosive powder and shrapnel traits do not function with the mortar kit.
Someone beat me to the mortar kit ones, but I can confirm
Grenade barrage cooldown is still at prepatch numbers
But the new grenadier traits don’t seem to affect barrage, 100% throwing speed and explosion radius.
underwater the grenade kit throws 4 grenades on skills 2 and 4 and only two grenades on the 5 skill.
medkit can not be equipped uderwater
Confirmed that the number of grenades used underwater is weird and incorrect.
Also, underwater grenades appear even MORE erratic than they were made during the last feature patch. Can we tighten them up a little bit. I’m lucky if even one grenade hits the target.
HGH elixir cd reduce does not aply to Elixir Shell (mortar kit). It works for elixir gun elixir skills tho.
kits do not display the backpack part of the kit anymore. Weapon only.
At least I hope it`s a bug and not intentionally designed.
kits do not display the backpack part of the kit anymore. Weapon only.
At least I hope it`s a bug and not intentionally designed.
That’s intentional because so many complained about the ‘hobo backpack’
Impossible to complete LA Exterminator achievo solo as an engineer since the karka rifle is lost when entering water (need to traverse waterways to access some of the karkas). It will auto swap to harpoon gun.
Blackgate WvW
I’m getting no swiftness from using streamlined kits either. Is it only working on mortar kit?
HGH elixir cd reduce does not aply to Elixir Shell (mortar kit). It works for elixir gun elixir skills tho.
Yup. Very odd since it does apply the might like it’s supposed to.
Impossible to complete LA Exterminator achievo solo as an engineer since the karka rifle is lost when entering water
I found out that it works when you unequip all kits, also under water.
- Grenadier Adept Trait (Explosives) adds +1 Grenade to [Grenade Barrage] Tool Belt skill and increases the range from 900 to 1500.
+ due the fact that the skill swaps back to the old one -> 30 sec cd instead of 21!
Grenade barrage cooldown is still at prepatch numbers
only if traited, since it swaps out the skill to the old one.
Static Discharge still bugs with the damage numbers, wich means:
- 100% damage while using a toolbelt skill that uses a casttime
- 50% damage while using an instand cast toolbelt skill (this may be a design to prevent high undodgable spike BUT 1. note it and 2. read further …)
- while performing a chainable auto attack (bomb, rifle, pistol) the 50% and 100% damage are reversed! (has always been like this but it’s definitly a bug since it makes no sense)
(when you’re on it … make it aim for what it’s selected rather than letting it aim for the groun whenever you use a none-target-toolbelt skill ;P )
Grenade Barrage has no legendary animation when untraited!!! :<
+ the thing about the traited version! (quoted post above)
Bombs still say they have a ΓΈ of 180, even though 240 has become baseline It IS 240, so it’s just a tool tip bug.
Mortar 4# explodes twice and causes the field to last either 4+4 sec (untraited) or 6+4 sec (traited). It also appears to proc it’s blind not every 1 sec (intervall 1 sec), rather 2 sec. Maybe there is a connection between those things…
Med Kit 1# is missing a sound file … maybe :o
The trait “Grenadier” makes the grenades fly sharper to the ground, making them explode b4 they arrive at the location you aimed for. It’s also impossible to aim with it in places where the ground isn’t totally flat. Make the velocity faster, but still let them fly in a curve, this is VERY important! :S
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
+ due the fact that the skill swaps back to the old one -> 30 sec cd instead of 21!
Nice finds all around! Well done
Automated Medical Response doesn’t work with Bandage Self, despite being considered like a real heal skill now.
Also, Throw Bandages (Medkit 2) and Throw Antidote (Medkit 5) works on mini-pets ._.
When harvesting and I have the flamethrower kit equipped, it doesn’t swap to the harvesting tool, it swings the flamethrower.
MK#1 does not appear to work as described as a projectile finisher by Grouch in a thread on the Engi forums:
Can you confirm some of the questions about how the projectile finisher will work? The livestream made a point of talking about deploying the light field and condi cleansing, but given the way projectile finishers currently work it relies on the projectile making contact with a target. Or, is Mortar Kit 1 an AoE projectile so as long as it hits a field the finisher fires?
As long as the projectile lands in the field or goes through it will give the combo pop-up – it doesn’t have to hit the target.
Can anyone confirm? I’ve tried all sorts of things on training dummies and live targets and while the combo indicator appears, no actual effect is applied to me or the enemy.
EDIT: I am still testing it, but it seems like it doesn’t work consistently at all.
EDIT2: Okay. It still needs to strike some type of enemy it would seem, not just the field itself which isn’t what Josh described in his response. Still testing.
EDIT:3: Can recreate. You MUST strike a target to trigger the effects of a projectile finisher. So, this ability appears to be bugged.
(edited by digitalruse.9085)
MK#1 does not appear to work as described as a projectile finisher by Grouch in a thread on the Engi forums:
Can you confirm some of the questions about how the projectile finisher will work? The livestream made a point of talking about deploying the light field and condi cleansing, but given the way projectile finishers currently work it relies on the projectile making contact with a target. Or, is Mortar Kit 1 an AoE projectile so as long as it hits a field the finisher fires?
As long as the projectile lands in the field or goes through it will give the combo pop-up – it doesn’t have to hit the target.
Can anyone confirm? I’ve tried all sorts of things on training dummies and live targets and while the combo indicator appears, no actual effect is applied to me or the enemy.
EDIT: I am still testing it, but it seems like it doesn’t work consistently at all.
EDIT2: Okay. It still needs to strike some type of enemy it would seem, not just the field itself which isn’t what Josh described in his response. Still testing.
EDIT:3: Can recreate. You MUST strike a target to trigger the effects of a projectile finisher. So, this ability appears to be bugged.
It doesn’t grant me regeneration even if I hit something o.O whut :< And YES I know there is only one target per projectile and I checked all nearby allies + did it solo too :/ It doesn’t matter if it’s the 100% finisher of the mortar or the 20% finisher of the rifle. Maybe the water field is bugged? :o Or I’m just too tired to see what I’m doing wrong Q_Q
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
I would like to add :
1. Elixir Shell is not effected by elixir CD reduction, have not tested if it is effected by other Elixir traits.
2. Mortar 1 does not proc Explosive traits, at least not shrapnel.
3. Medkit 1 can not be channeled like Flamethrower and as a result is very inconsistent, not sure if this is intended or not. But its clunky and needs fixing.
4. Can not set any other medkit skill to autocast, use the speedup in PvE and WvW in this way often helps so that you can just swap to kit and get swiftness, not sure if intended.
I am not having issues with projectile finisher on mortar 1 as suggested above, I get the popup even out of combat and without target.
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
(edited by Novuake.2691)
I am not having issues with projectile finisher on mortar 1 as suggested above, I get the popup even out of combat and without target.
As I said, the popular appears, but the effect is not applied.
More Mortar weirdness; the actual mortar shell from Mortar 1 has to come into physical contact with the target for the combo effect, if you simply hit them with the AoE, they will not suffer from nor trigger any combo effects. This also counts for targets outside of the AoE; if they touch the mortar in transit, they will trigger the combo even if they are not hit with the actual attack.
It doesn’t grant me regeneration even if I hit something o.O whut :<
You have to literally be right next to the target hit with the projectile finsher to get any beneficial effects (like regen or condi cleanse) that’s always been the case.
Also, on Streamline kits: It’s the Kit Refinement effect that does not go on cooldown when switching to mortar. The Swiftness part still has it’s ICD, and switching to another kit first will prevent the Streamline kit effect for mortar from working for it’s normal ICD.
I am not having issues with projectile finisher on mortar 1 as suggested above, I get the popup even out of combat and without target.
As I said, the popular appears, but the effect is not applied.
Now I get it, I tried further and you are right. It pops up but the effect ONLY applies if a target is hit directly with the SHELL rather than with the aoe. The projectile itself has to hit the target to activate the procced effect:
1.: shoot through field → proc projectile finisher X
2. A: hit a target directly → apply the effect
2. B: hit a target with the aoe → nothing happens
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
(for devs who already read everything: I added more to my list via edit)
- Little bug: class specific elite skills have no toolkit skills, even though utility ones have.
- Big bug: mortar skills get no explosives dmg trait. Somone in the upper posts mentioned some other explosives traits that won’t be applied. So better check them all please
- Evasive Powder Keg (bomb on dodge) has a surprisingly high 10 sec CD. I’m not sure if this is a bug. It seems extremly high to me, considering it had NO cd pre patch and vigor resembled it’s cd anyway. But maybe it’s just the way it should be.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
Impossible to complete LA Exterminator achievo solo as an engineer since the karka rifle is lost when entering water (need to traverse waterways to access some of the karkas). It will auto swap to harpoon gun.
Thanks for the reports. The team is aware of this and will roll out a fix when they can do so. One workaround mentioned in this thread and confirmed as functional: Unequip all kits (do not have them in your skill bar) when you attempt to complete this achievement and you should be able to do so.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
More testing, some Alchemy bugs/weirdness:
Elixir Gun 4, 5 and TB are not affected by HGH. I’m sure that’s intended (and Awesome, btw). However, though the TB skill does gain the might stacks of HGH, it does not gain the increased duration part of the effect i.e. the regen is the same whether you have HGH equipped or not. All above skill are also unaffected by Alchemical Tintures, but based on the wording (“Throwing or consuming”) I suspect this is intended, but seems kinda weird that they and the Elixir Shell for Mortar (which as mentioned, doesn’t get the duration bonus from HGH) are elixir skills for HGH but not this.
I am not having issues with projectile finisher on mortar 1 as suggested above, I get the popup even out of combat and without target.
As I said, the popular appears, but the effect is not applied.
Now I get it, I tried further and you are right. It pops up but the effect ONLY applies if a target is hit directly with the SHELL rather than with the aoe. The projectile itself has to hit the target to activate the procced effect:
1.: shoot through field -> proc projectile finisher X
2. A: hit a target directly -> apply the effect
2. B: hit a target with the aoe -> nothing happens
Yup. So it’s bugged according to the description Josh provided.
Thanks for the reports. The team is aware of this and will roll out a fix when they can do so. One workaround mentioned in this thread and confirmed as functional: Unequip all kits (do not have them in your skill bar) when you attempt to complete this achievement and you should be able to do so.
Thanks for the update and thanks for the tip. I’ll pass it along to people frustrated in map chat.
(for devs who already read everything: I added more to my list via edit
- Little bug: class specific elite skills have no toolkit skills, even though utility ones have.
- Big bug: mortar skills get no explosives dmg trait. Somone in the upper posts mentioned some other explosives traits that won’t be applied. So better check them all please
- Evasive Powder Keg (bomb on dodge) has a surprisingly high 10 sec CD. I’m not sure if this is a bug. It seems extremly high to me, considering it had NO cd pre patch and vigor resembled it’s cd anyway. But maybe it’s just the way it should be.
You mean racial skills, not class skills, right?
Also, I think the Evasive Powder Keg getting an ICD is because of the GM trait that can make it a blast finisher. I wonder if there could be a better way of doing that, either not having the cooldown unless you pick up Thermobaric Detonation, or giving that GM trait a buff icon like Streamlined Kits so you would know that your next dodge will deliver a blast finisher.
Orbital Strike(Mortar F5) is unblockable but the tooltip doesn’t state this.
Orbital Strike(Mortar F5) is unblockable but the tooltip doesn’t state this.
Oh my. Lol thats unintended for sure. No way that should be unblockable on such a short cd and potential double cast.
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
Orbital Strike(Mortar F5) is unblockable but the tooltip doesn’t state this.
Oh my. Lol thats unintended for sure. No way that should be unblockable on such a short cd and potential double cast.
Played with it in a private arena. It hella telegraphs and doesn’t hurt that much. For being supplemental to the elite skill I could actually see it being intentional.
reactive lenses does not break stun nor apply fury
- Grenade skills 1-4 when traited with Grenadier will explode when passing through a target and again when hitting the ground for many potential explosions per grenade toss (This looks to be working like the old coated bullets for pistol)
- Mortar Kit does not trigger the cooldown for the Kit Refinement portion of the Streamlined Kits so it is possible to spawn endless gunk as long as Streamlined Kits is not on cooldown
- Mortar Shot is triggering Steel Packed Powder but is not triggering Shrapnel
- Neither Healing Mist (EG toolbelt) nor Elixir Shell from Mortar benefit from the duration bonus of HGH, though they both provide might stacks.
- Mortar shells must touch a target to trigger a combo effect; hitting the enemy with the actual AoE will not work.
- Grenadier turns Grenade Barrage into the old Grenadier Barrage, including the old cooldown and 1500 range
- Automated Response does not reset the cooldown on Medkit skills or the Bandage Self skill.
- Bomb skills show a 180 tooltip radius. Visuals for the bombs display 240 radius, but the damage and effects appear to only have the listed tooltip radius. Glue bomb display, effect and tooltip are matching at 240 radius.
- Mortar Shot doesn’t benefit from Shaped Charge
- Evasive Powder Keg seems to be sharing the 10s cooldown with Thermobaric Detonation. Even when untraited, there is only a bomb every 10s.
- Orbital Strike’s initial impact is unblockable
- Mortar Shot projectiles must actually pass through a target for the finisher to activate. (not sure if this is intentional or not)
- Jump Shot is not benefiting from any of the explosion traits (not sure if this is a bug or not since the patch notes don’t mention it)
- Fragmentation shot is not benefiting from any of the explosion traits (not sure if this is a bug or not since the patch notes don’t mention it)
- Incendiary Ammo is only applying 1 stack of burning per attack instead of the 2 stacks that are indicated in the patch notes (and the tooltip)
(edited by Knox.8962)
knox, you’re doing good work son.
- Grenadier turns Grenade Barrage into the old Grenadier Barrage, including the old cooldown and 1500 range.
It looks like the tool tip is wrong and they are actually going 1200… which is still wrong. XD
Regardless, that would point to the base for the old skill as you’ve already.
- Grenadier turns Grenade Barrage into the old Grenadier Barrage, including the old cooldown and 1500 range.
It looks like the tool tip is wrong and they are actually going 1200… which is still wrong. XD
Regardless, that would point to the base for the old skill as you’ve already.
It is definitely shooting the same distance as my mortar skills. 1500 seems to be correct in the mists at least.
- Grenadier turns Grenade Barrage into the old Grenadier Barrage, including the old cooldown and 1500 range.
It looks like the tool tip is wrong and they are actually going 1200… which is still wrong. XD
Regardless, that would point to the base for the old skill as you’ve already.
It is definitely shooting the same distance as my mortar skills. 1500 seems to be correct in the mists at least.
kitten . I went all lysdexic and read the 5 as a 2 on MK. gg.
Carry on, citizens!
Ground targeting for Turrets is no longer available. I heard someone say it’s supposed to be baseline but it only seems to apply to Supply Crate.
Ground targeting for Turrets is no longer available. I heard someone say it’s supposed to be baseline but it only seems to apply to Supply Crate.
Looking over my notes from the first and second streams I don’t see a mention of it for baseline.
My guess is that people dropping them in impossible to reach (and thus kill) places was a big part in removing that trait.
Impossible to complete LA Exterminator achievo solo as an engineer since the karka rifle is lost when entering water (need to traverse waterways to access some of the karkas). It will auto swap to harpoon gun.
Thanks for the reports. The team is aware of this and will roll out a fix when they can do so. One workaround mentioned in this thread and confirmed as functional: Unequip all kits (do not have them in your skill bar) when you attempt to complete this achievement and you should be able to do so.
I can confirm that this does NOT work reliably. I switched to all elixers on my engineer to avoid this issue, but it still occurred when getting out of the water at the bottom of the jump into Sharkmaw Caverns. I had to switch to my mesmer to be able to complete the achievement.
Ground targeting for Turrets is no longer available. I heard someone say it’s supposed to be baseline but it only seems to apply to Supply Crate.
Looking over my notes from the first and second streams I don’t see a mention of it for baseline.
My guess is that people dropping them in impossible to reach (and thus kill) places was a big part in removing that trait.
So they really got rid of it? If that’s the case, I guess I’ll have to make a new build.
New Bug: Bomb Kit bombs are only 180 effective range even though all the detonation and skill effects show a 240 range. Josh talked about making this baseline in the streams, so this just seems like an oversight. Tooltip and range need to be corrected.
Mine field doesn’t seem to have forceful explosives baseline. The explosions are much smaller than they were pre-patch.
Mine field doesn’t seem to have forceful explosives baseline. The explosions are much smaller than they were pre-patch.
The Detonate Tooltip says 240 on that one. Trying to test range on dummies, but it is hard cause they fly out a random. It is looking more and more like they mean for forceful explosions to be baseline, but things got goofed.
-Incendiary ammo (flamethrower toolbelt) only gives 1 stack of burning per application instead of the 2 stacks listed on the tooltip
Mine field doesn’t seem to have forceful explosives baseline. The explosions are much smaller than they were pre-patch.
The Detonate Tooltip says 240 on that one. Trying to test range on dummies, but it is hard cause they fly out a random. It is looking more and more like they mean for forceful explosions to be baseline, but things got goofed.
I used to get all five mines hitting when standing on top of someone, now it’s hard to get even four to hit.
EDIT: Maybe the random spread was changed, I’m not sure.
(edited by warherox.7943)