Epidemic BUG

Epidemic BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Amka.8069


I was playing around with the new epidemic skill and found some interesting side effect:

Step 1: load some condis on an enemy
Step 2: Cast Epidemic on that foe
Step 3: Get hit by that same foe

Resulting effect:
If that foe critically hits you, it transers (but actually) copies the conditions back to you.

I encountered this an hour ago while mindlessly grinding my braincells awayat the Mons Draconis hearts. First time it occured while fighting a Dino Veteran Tyrannosaurus guy. Then i tried on many different other enemy types. Some of them never critically hit me, but those who managed had the same effect as described above.

Firstly i was suspecting my passive Plague Signet, since it triggered every time, but after testing around with passive Plague Signet and/or without using Epidemic on foes. I figured this has to be an unvoluntary after effect of the new Epidemic.

If there is any chance some living being reads this, and feels responsible, could you please also care to give us a hint if those new projectile after effects are blockable?
I am assuming the Tooltip is directed to the intial target used upon.

tldr: After using Epi on an enemy, if that foe crits you back, you get randomly all the condis back (or copies of waht currently is on that same foe).