Evacuation story quest oddness

Evacuation story quest oddness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moo.5120


Hi there, I have a human guardian and am doing the “Evacuation” story quest (level 47), and there is something odd.
I spoke to the quaggan, the eggs started to hatch, I broke a hole in the ice as instructed and then got out of the hole. Now I can’t get back underwater as the ice has sealed over. Quaggans pop through the ice and escape, but I’m just wandering about like a lost kitten doing nothing.
Ah – wait – did manage to find the way back down eventually – the ‘hole’ back down really doesn’t look like a hole.
Might want to make the hole look more like a hole from the top, or add a comment somewhere telling people to stay in the water.