I don’t wan’t to sound ungrateful. ArenaNet have made a great game, that is a pleasure to play. On the other hand, this pleasure is constantly darkened by the same issue over and over, and over again. NPC’s get stuck, enemy waves don’t spawn, conversations do not happen and so on. Loads of various events around the map of Tyria are getting bugged constantly. That is incredibly annoying and frustrating. Well, let me get to the point.
How hard could it be to implement a simple system, that would restart an event if it is going on for too long? Is it really such big of a problem to solve? I am not even a programmer and I can easily think of several different ways of how such issues could be solved. Why do players have to suffer so long?
I know the ArenaNet guys are busy and I understand that I am not the only one adressing them with “my” problems, but this one has been bugging people since BETA. Come on guys, it can’t be that hard to fix.