EventBroken Escort the Order of Whispers

EventBroken Escort the Order of Whispers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HerosMustDie.4903


I am taking my first legendary story journey for "The Flameseeker Prophecies I: The Experimental Shield ". This particular event is not starting

Event Name: Escort the Order of Whispers team to the grawl camp
MAP: Timberline Falls
Location: Guilty Tears – Timberline Falls.
Event Type: Dynamic event

NPC: Agent Barwick
Agent Marielli

Both the agents just stand there not moving , I killed all the growls and saved all the whisper agent for say 30 minutes nothing happened they are just standing around doing nothing. If only this even starts it will trigger the champion event. I am unable to do the champion event so my progress just stuck at the moment.