Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: jboynton.7894


Devs, this is gamebreaking. This should be the number one priority…period.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: ravenheart.2743


Tonight I was in JQ’s borderlands, our whole siege was blind we only new enemys were near by the red AOE circles on the ground. UNPLAYABLE.

I have played a lot of MMOS and the one that don’t partial render (IE character model pops in naked, then armor and texture is added.) all have issues but this is the worst i have seen.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Same here. I quited WvW not because of lag or low fps but invis enemies-.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Lemnear.6215


Why do you have problems visualizing characters? In any PvP oriented game this should be working perfect.
I’ll avoid PvP and WvW until this is fixed. Too bad those 2 are the only end game content here, so there’s nothing left to do.


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


Got that bug one time today, I was like 15 minutes in the same area, my hard disk was loading nothing; I was able to see only 3 or 4 people in a place with +50 people for all the time, the 15 minutes, until I just restarted the game.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: rhodoc.2381


I will avoid also till fixed. It is not fun

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Kaoss.5843


Jason, any update on this awfull bug?
Not much left to do on a pvp game if u cant see the enemy…

Dominus Letum Empire
GW2 Officer

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Daniel.2743


Fix the invisible players bug which has been present in the game for me since the patch.
WvW is unplayable as far as I’m concerned while this is still in the game.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: ProxiiG.5830


Hmm there are plenty of posts about this so there is no point in more, arena net answered on it on few threads, the problem existed even before the last patch, it only escalated with last patch.


and here:


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Kindeller.3072


Below is a video from last night where during WvW there was a complete Lapse in rendering! I mean it just stopped for a good 4 minutes.

Things to note:

  • The minimap… Half my team are invisible to me. (This has never happened before)
  • Enemy players are non existent for the majority of the video including dead downed and alive :p
  • Our team near the end decided to use the “invisible zerg” and at this point suddenly half my team become visible again? I wonder how long it took for us to render after for the enemy forces :/

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Jason King.2647


Jason King.2647

Live Response Embed


Thanks for your patience, everyone! We are still working on this bug, and we believe we’re getting close to a potential solution.

ArenaNet Community Team
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Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Kindeller.3072


Thanks for keeping us posted, its nice to see responses! I’m only keeping the thread active by posting some info/issues… Any idea when the solutions will pass Q&A and hit a patch? Or is that thinking too far ahead? :p

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: zerospin.8604


Getting close to something that may or may not be a solution (potential solution) isn’t exactly encouraging ;/ Thanks for letting us know anyhow.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Jason King.2647


Jason King.2647

Live Response Embed


Hey everyone,

To help us fix this issue, we’d appreciate it if you could provide some additional information:

1. Are there any specific steps you can take to reproduce the issue? While we’re aware of the general circumstances that surround this issue, if you can take specific steps that cause this to occur, we’d love to know how!

2. Your DxDiag file. You can attach this by posting via the “More Posting and Formatting Options…” button.

Thanks for the help!

ArenaNet Community Team
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Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Baelnorn.5710


@JasonKing: Perhaps you should create a sticky thread for that with guidelines how to get that file for technically less savvy people (perhaps something like this).

One thing that would be very interesting to know is how many of the affected players are running a 64bit OS (based on this question on superuser.com). Perhaps the latest patch introduced some unexpected side effects regarding drivers on 64bit systems.


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Myramar.8657


hey jason,
thanks for looking into it. Here my detailed description of the problem:


it looks like the models of the player and NPC characters do not load. Means that all, or many NPCs and Players are invisible, and so are their skill animations, red circles on the ground and so on. This happens in WvWvW but also in PvE.

if something is visible, what is it?
i try to make a ranking here.

1. party members, your character and ranger pets: mostly, your own party members are still visible, and so are ranger pets (enemy and ally). Your own character and your skill animations are visible all the time.
2. allies and allied NPCs: such as your own allied players in WvWvW to a small degree (this is better in PvE, there you can almost everytime see your allies), and also NPC guards, for example
3. static, normal Mobs are mostly visible too, but sometimes they appear really late.
4. Downed Allies and Enemies: mostly, an enemy body appears as soon as it dies, or goes down. Same with Mobs in PvE, you can see the bodies
5. enemy players and Event mobs (such as attacking waves). Sometimes they appear in the distance shortly, then disappear. Horrible thing in WvWvW.

How to create/reproduce this problem:

play the game. The longer you play, the worse it is. Could be some sort of memory leak.

What helps?

sometimes, re-log in is a good idea and may help. It is better after a log-in, at least for me, but it gets worse fast.

What does not help?

- update of the graphic card drivers did not help me (Nvidia)
- changing the graphic settings

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tommo.1294


This is going to sound rash, but can you please disable invisibility for the moment until you fix this, players are exploiting the hell out of it and we cant do anything, thiefs can already burst people in 3 seconds we dont need them being perma invis and bugging out NPC’s, WvW is kind of unplayable for me atm.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: John Lightning.6293

John Lightning.6293

I have this problem too a lot. I also get it in Lion’s Arch. Sometimes npcs and players take up to 5 minutes to load on screen and if I leave the immediate vicinity and come back I have to reload them all. It gave me an option to do a 64 bit DxDiag so I have uploaded that one too in case you find it useful.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


When this happened to me (only once) I noticed the game just stopped loading characters completely, I was in a big battle for many minutes and the hard disk was quiet. I don’t know how exactly that works, but is like the part of the game that load things, crashes. Of curse, this is speculation, because I don’t know how it works.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


This bug…

People are now abusing limitations in the game engine to win in WvW.
Fix it or close WvW until you can update the engine to cope with it.

Don’t boast about 1000 characters on screen if such a feat BREAKS THE GAME!

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Narcyz.5780


I am indeed running a 64bit OS:


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: StarFreeze.3812


1. Are there any specific steps you can take to reproduce the issue?

Yeah get near a building in my case. I’ve never had the issue even with massive armies on both sides out in middle of no where. But even with simple 15v15 I’ve gotten the issue near a camp/fort/buildings. I attached a picture of where I don’t see the issue ever no matter what size fight it is.

I can’t get you a DxDiag atm but can tell you its an i7 @ 3.6Ghz, 6GB of Memory, Nvidia GTX 680 with latest drivers.


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: CptSlater.2457


some screen for “fun”. there are some health bar flying around but believe me there are more enemy on the screen


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eyrika.8625


Glad to see you are working on this.
It hasn’t been that much of a problem for me until very recently, and now it seems out of hand.

My first instance was in WvW. All 3 of the worlds were battling in a keep, and I could hardly see anyone around me. What’s worse was that it was also lagging severely. Other people were reporting the same thing. Abilities weren’t going off when used. I’ve hardly ever experienced lag in this game before.

Then it happened again while I was doing an event in Orr. I believe it was for capturing the main Grenth statue. There was a large group of players, all of which I could see until combat started. More and more players started disappearing, along with the mobs we were trying to kill until I could pretty much see only myself and a few NPCs. I think that’s the worst part of this… I can understand maybe removing a few players, but almost EVERYTHING is getting removed.
Someone above said they could see downed players, but I couldn’t. I could just see the downed symbol floating in the air and could try to revive them if I got close enough to it.

The only way I can tell what is happening is because spell effects still seem to display just fine. So I can see people attacking things across the room, and sure enough, if I get closer, enemies start to load. It was also starting to lag pretty badly again, and it seemed like the lag persisted for awhile after the event ended, even when I went to other areas in the zone.


“The flame legion can die in a fire!”
“…they might like that.”

(edited by Eyrika.8625)

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Fohobogah.1097


Happens to me to, just decided to take a break form WvW while they deal with it. Here’s my Dxdiag file, hopes it helps.


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Spaceman.1063


Starting today, I’m also seeing this issue heavily in PVE (additionally to it having manifested immediately post-patch in WvW).

Few minutes of play time from a fresh login - monsters do not render to the point of seeing none in the area, while getting hit by at least a few (some are attackable via their name tag that by itself doesn’t render, but can be next-targeted, making it refresh and display instantly... interestingly, this doesn’t seem to work with some other invisible monsters that are still attacking you at the same time).

At another point, during a fight with three Risen, I had one of them disappear right in front of my eyes (not by using a stealth skill of course), only to reappear, very slowly, 10-15 seconds later (starting with a name tag and finally completing rendering the model post-death).

Also interestingly, this seems to be happening in bursts, i.e. 10 minutes of invisible terror, and then an hour of game play without noticing any issues (which doesn’t exclude the possibility of them still happening, but at least not with the monsters you fight).

“However, as this discussion has no real goal except complaining about the thief,
I will now close it.” – Moderator

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icecat.4528


Playing WvWvW on a marginal server is bad enough. Now the game is major bugged out and players you fight and the NPCs are invisible 3/4 of the time. Just came from EB – can’t see jack squat. Only way to target anyone is tab – target and look for the red arrow over their head.

Entire guild got the same nonsense. We all left EB in disgust.

Your last patch was big on nerfing professions and fail attempts to stop bots with DR code. Perhaps you can spend time on fixing/preventing this kind of game breaking bug instead??

GW2 mods can fuck it up their cock sucking asses – Sieg heil you nazi fuckers

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Raizjiel.4398


This is absolutely game breaking, and downright ridiculous. They we’re “close to fixing it” ten hours ago, and it still lingers on… Absolute fail. It was bad enough when half the people you were fighting didnt load in, now its everything… Broken game is broken.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Natural.7013


I tried WvW again tonight, and I just can’t play this game anymore until things are fixed. Even NPCs in PVE world are invisible. In LA, it appears empty for the first minute or so and people slowly fade in as you move around. All I see is the commander icon on the tops of heads sometimes. I really hope there’s a fix to this issue very soon.

Until then, I will be taking a break from GW2 until I can enjoy playing a game where I can see the enemy coming and not full army stealthing on top of me. It’s like 40 man armies are able to use a Klingon cloaking device. My team literally dropped without even seeing who killed us while we were sieging a door. I assume it was a force that came in from behind and right on top of us.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Rellin.3914


It is really no fun when you get killed by blobs of people you can not see.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Davomatic.3064


I play on 64 bit windows vista.

I have played WvW ever since beta and never have had problems loading in WvW and I play a LOT.

Ever since this past weekend without fail every time, after a random amount of time every player and NPC will become invisible, but i can click on them and still fight them they just never load into view.

I can’t put my finger on what causes this to happen, except the last 2 times that it has happened I was on a wall firing on my enemies. The last time I actually witnessed every enemy vanish as I shot an arrow cart at them as they were smashing on our gate at dawns eyrie in IoJ borderlands.

What I usually do to fix it is just quit to desktop and load the game back up.


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ProxiiG.5830


The issue tends to show up in PvE situations when there are a lot of people/npcs around to, sometimes in orr (temple battles usually) everything is fine but then suddenly all people/npc just go invisible.

But it is almost all the time in WvWvW. Had the issue before, but escalated after the last patch.


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ricoz.5360


The problem seems to happen more regularly the more you play especially in place with high volume of players like wvw. Most of the time it happens after running into a huge fight where gfx culling starts happening. Like a 100+ man fight.

As people starts disappearing and appearing due to the culling, all of the sudden every player stops loading for me. Even my own party with the portrait UI doesn’t load. Just shows up as empty. From then on all player and npc’s texture does not load anymore. Your game is now officially bugged and the only way to clear it is to restart the client.


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Platonic.5937


So what you saying is " the game is broken " right ?

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: hoschi.8693


I’ve actually seen it happen in PvE as well. While levelling a toon, I ran into the horde doing the Straits of Devastation event chain. Halfway through that chain, the mobs started to disappear and only re-appeared when being very close to it.

On top of everything else, this has a bit of memory leak ring to it…

Saint of Destruction of the Holy Church of Jedsus Chris of Saturday Feints
Strike Force [SF]

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shtra Quo.1932

Shtra Quo.1932

Might be unrelated to the current invisibility problem but you can see “late appearing characters” simply by running around the mystic forge in lions arch. This is also annoying.

Freck – You’ve been desolated!

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: achilleez.2750


Just to confirm that since the 7th October patch after about an hour in WvW enemies start to disappear, then friendlies disappear and finaly even NPC’s like the armour repair guy disappear, it’s at this point I usually try re-logging which fixes the problem for a short while before it returns. There’s been a lot of talk and confusion about lag and culling etc. I would like to state quite clearly that previous to the 7th October patch I was experiencing absolutely NO rendering problems whatsoever.

Win7 64bit
I5 2500k
8gb Ram
GTX 560ti

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Heron.6859


Why isn’t this stickied?

Workaround is to relog and get back on queue.


(edited by Moderator)

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eyrika.8625


There’s another thread about this in the WuvWuv forums, should we merge these so we get more responses?

“The flame legion can die in a fire!”
“…they might like that.”

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Esrever.8613


I must say getting killed by a invisible zerg is no fun, especially since I was basically trying to scout. They need to fix this ASAP.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: HCProfessionals.3601


I don’t think anyone has to say anything after you watch this, lol!

PHP/MySQL Code Monkey and MCITP. Owner of a Michigan-based Computer Service and Hosting Company.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Rienrodrys.2975


Same problem here -_-!

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Jason King.2647


Jason King.2647

Live Response Embed

Thank you for your understanding and patience, everyone! We have a build coming up soon with a potential fix for this issue. Stay tuned!

ArenaNet Community Team
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Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Sorrow.7384


Thanks Jason.

When will this patch be coming out?
What was causing the invisible army bug? It only started last patch.
Is there any relation to that and loading screens on computers with SSD’s taking double to triple loading times?

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Sorrow.7384


Here is my DxDiag in case it helps. I ran it in 64 bit mode.


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Any1 can confirm it is fixed and now it is better than before or same?

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: Sorrow.7384


So far so good, 3 hours after the patch.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: admcd.4503


Last night was so bad that even my own character model was invisible. I could only see the pets of both enemies and friends and my three party members. Everyone else was invisible.

On the plus side, it made finding loot bags easier.

I hope it’s fixed.

Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

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Posted by: TnH.1874


5 hours ago, the bug still there, only the friendly PCs on the map. I couldn’t see a single enemy player. It started 3 days ago.


Everyone went invisible during WvW, including NPC's.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dutch Rental.8360

Dutch Rental.8360

2 hours ago still the same when i entered FS borderlands everything was ok at the big battles everything seemed to be fine and the 10 min later every enemy PC went invisible
hope its fixed asap


80 Guardian
Veteran of Far Shiverpeaks since headstart