Everything just disappeared from the map

Everything just disappeared from the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Captain Jordan.6938

Captain Jordan.6938

I just went into Lornar’s Pass from LA to roam around and gather, and climbed a hill (in the picture) to gather an Iron Ore, when suddenly everything in the entire map disappeared, including gatherables and all npc creatures.

I then died where I stood shortly after. From what I’m reading in chat, I’m not the only one, everyone’s either lagging or has had this same glitch happen to them as well.


Everything just disappeared from the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MelGT.8326


A lot of people are getting insane lag at the moment. Fine for a minute or so then a huge lag spike. I just jumped down a cliff, and didn’t take any fall damage. “Hmm, strange!”. A minute later while running I just randomly fell on the floor and died.

Everything just disappeared from the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: gescean.4279


Yeah this happened to me too. Everything just randomly disappeared, my underwater gear was equipped and I lost all my skills. Dry Top got pretty spooky in some parts.


I could still talk in guild chat and people saw me as online. Pretty weird.

Everything just disappeared from the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Atluss.2537


The same exact thing with me. It’s happened in Snowden and in Lion’s Arch. It will randomly either kill your character or just make everyone disappear. When this happens no skills work but chat does strangely. Hopefully this bug is fixed soon as it has been showing up frequently for me.

Everything just disappeared from the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: domness.6719


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